• #77
Have you thought of paying someone to curse it in some way?
You want something strong, but you don't want to get all "Howard Carter" on them.
• #78
You want something strong, but you don't want to get all "Howard Carter" on them.
Perhaps arrange to have any offending printer turn into an enormous gonorrhoeal penis which explodes to fill the room with bloody pus. I don't think that's going too far.
• #79
Isn't this why copyright law was created? Just stick the magic little c symbol on the bottom and sue, sue, sue.
• #80
Tattoo it onto a dozen chickens, and spit roast them in front of the audience - by the time they have finished reading, the words will be ready for eating.
Do this one.
• #81
Is it possible to have a file in Word that you can put random pictures underneath and maintain the 'knockout' elements?
example below, I need to put a logo over various pics but still see the photo show through…
• #82
Is the logo transparent? As it appears in the photo above?
If so, I think so. You plonk in first pic. Plonk on second pic. Right click. grouping. ta da.You've done that though haven't you?
• #83
MS Word? You should be able to set the transparency colour of a picture you import. So just colour that a distinct lurid green (or similar), then select that as the transparent colour on import.
• #85
I know nuffink about word - it's for a mate [I just do the colouring in innit]
If you set the logo to transparent will the photo not be seen through the whole roundel [I need the logo to be white with the photo just showing through the gaps]
• #86
Don't make the whole image transparent, just the text colour, as per the link above
• #87
Is it possible to have a file in Word that you can put random pictures underneath and maintain the 'knockout' elements?
example below, I need to put a logo over various pics but still see the photo show through…
There is a "watermark" function ... never used it though.
EDIT: Everyone answered it better.
• #88
Transparent PNG on top of any old image, job done? (Both images will need the layout options tweaking to allow them overlap/free placement).
• #89
hippy's done a MailMerge.
• #90
Fuck this shit… aarrrrrghhh why can't people use proper publishing fookin software!!!!
reet, I never ever use word so am struggling to even bring 2 arsin pictures into the same page - anyone fancy doing me a step by step…
goes and kicks mac and weeps gently onto wim crouwel poster…
• #91
Why is it in Word? Does it need to be?
• #92
aye - steve needs to generate little bits and bos, the coffee changes pretty regularly so he needs to be in control of it
• #93
I think this has been mentioned but have you tried it with a transparent logo? ie. it's white where it should be blocked out and transparent elsewhere.
• #94
Save the logo part as a transparent PNG.
Place both images within a word doc.
Right click the transparent PNG and click "format picture" (or equiv for your version of Word).
Click the layout tab and select "in front of text".
Now free-place the image anywhere over the other image (which is being treated as text).
Word sucks, but yeah, possible.
1 Attachment
• #95
1) load up original "peel & peel" logo in your favourite photoshop-esque software package
2) fill the text you want to be see through in a colour that doesn't appear anywhere else in that image (eg fluoro green)
3) copy/paste into word, on top of the picture you want it to be, erm, on top of (note, powerpoint is probably a better programme to use here)
4) set the fluoro green colour of the floating logo to be transparent, as described in the earlier link -
• #96
Transparent PNG is better than a colour mask, nicer edges?
• #97
sorry for being such a bother :(
Recommend me some software that makes this stuff easy for little or no outlay on which I can make menus and flyers and stuff and I'll do that.
Do bear in mind that I'm a spaz at computers.
Hope this helps.
• #98
Gimp + some practice/tuition from a photoshop type geek?
Paint.NET http://www.getpaint.net/
• #99
Fuckin sweet, didn't know about any of this stuff. There I was thinking I'm Johnny Bigpotatoes with my mastery of MSPaint...
I don't think I will be dispensing with Wayne's services any time soon.
• #100
"I don't do graphics" comes out of my mouth too often at work but every now and then it's quicker for me to do graphics than complain about having to do it. I use Gimp in these cases.
I still use MSPain t :)
am I helping?