At current flouncer - I like the MBK too, not worth leaving the forum for the sake of comments on that or number wheels owned.
99% members own retarded bikes (or at least one of their bikes is retarded).
Knowing what is bike porn and building porn bike don't always go hand in hand anyway.
I have one nice bike, but use hipster cyst light on it. Can't do track stand. Forget to unclip on lights. Get lost in Central London. Fit track bars, but never use drops. Nobody's perfect.
99% members own retarded bikes (or at least one of their bikes is retarded).
Knowing what is bike porn and building porn bike don't always go hand in hand anyway.
I have one nice bike, but use hipster cyst light on it. Can't do track stand. Forget to unclip on lights. Get lost in Central London. Fit track bars, but never use drops. Nobody's perfect.