Hi Lee, That was me, Aaron. I'm alive and well thankfully, minus a broken collar bone, mashed ear and road rash. Thanks for offering to look after the bike, i really appreciate it. (although i remember at the time when the police told me someone had offered to look after it that i was uber paranoid i would never see it again if i gave it away!)
I was going home from work at notting hill around 630pm travelling north along Grafton St with no cars in front or behind me on the road. Infront of me were two side roads opposite each other Holmes Rd and Athlone St both with a car stopped at the white line waiting to move across/into Grafton Rd. I continued to cycle on, and as i did, the driver (a 7seater Mini Cab) on Holmes Rd pulled out hitting me on my entire right hand side.
I'm not sure what happened then or where i landed, but i hit the ground hard on my left handside. I remember a few people telling me not to move and stabilising my head. It was very surreal, I didn't know who the people were standing around, i think one of them was the driver and his wife. An amazing first aider turned up, not sure where from, he had white hair in his 40/50s who i really want to thank.
I think the car driver from the left that was stopped at the white line still was shouting at the driver that hit me asking how he didn't see me. But it was all such a blur im not sure who was who.
A fast response medic arrived in minutes, followed by the police then the ambulance who strapped me up and took me to Royal Free A&E for CAT Scans and X-rays, time flew by and it was midnight and they wanted to keep me in overnight for observation. I left the Hospital yesterday afternoon after having my left ear drained of blood, and a shrek-like-mould strapped on to stop it filling up again. Nothing they could do for my collar bone except give me a sling. I have to go back next week for some checks, I feel very lucky nothing else was damaged.
I haven't fully checked over the bike but i think (hope) its not too bad, need a new front wheel but hopefully the forks and frame are ok.
Lots of rest for the next few weeks and now to re-read the "What To Do in Case of Accident" thread.
Hi Lee, That was me, Aaron. I'm alive and well thankfully, minus a broken collar bone, mashed ear and road rash. Thanks for offering to look after the bike, i really appreciate it. (although i remember at the time when the police told me someone had offered to look after it that i was uber paranoid i would never see it again if i gave it away!)
I was going home from work at notting hill around 630pm travelling north along Grafton St with no cars in front or behind me on the road. Infront of me were two side roads opposite each other Holmes Rd and Athlone St both with a car stopped at the white line waiting to move across/into Grafton Rd. I continued to cycle on, and as i did, the driver (a 7seater Mini Cab) on Holmes Rd pulled out hitting me on my entire right hand side.
I'm not sure what happened then or where i landed, but i hit the ground hard on my left handside. I remember a few people telling me not to move and stabilising my head. It was very surreal, I didn't know who the people were standing around, i think one of them was the driver and his wife. An amazing first aider turned up, not sure where from, he had white hair in his 40/50s who i really want to thank.
I think the car driver from the left that was stopped at the white line still was shouting at the driver that hit me asking how he didn't see me. But it was all such a blur im not sure who was who.
A fast response medic arrived in minutes, followed by the police then the ambulance who strapped me up and took me to Royal Free A&E for CAT Scans and X-rays, time flew by and it was midnight and they wanted to keep me in overnight for observation. I left the Hospital yesterday afternoon after having my left ear drained of blood, and a shrek-like-mould strapped on to stop it filling up again. Nothing they could do for my collar bone except give me a sling. I have to go back next week for some checks, I feel very lucky nothing else was damaged.
I haven't fully checked over the bike but i think (hope) its not too bad, need a new front wheel but hopefully the forks and frame are ok.
Lots of rest for the next few weeks and now to re-read the "What To Do in Case of Accident" thread.