We've got a working colour tv available, good picture and sound except that 5
mins after turning on, for 5 mins, it emits a high pitched noise. After the
noise, it's great and sounds just fine. We lived quite happily with this
idiosyncrasy for a couple of years but were offered a new telly recently to
replace it.
Comes with a remote.
It's 26" and fairly heavy so you'll need transport - car/taxi/bike trailer to
We've got a working colour tv available, good picture and sound except that 5
mins after turning on, for 5 mins, it emits a high pitched noise. After the
noise, it's great and sounds just fine. We lived quite happily with this
idiosyncrasy for a couple of years but were offered a new telly recently to
replace it.
Comes with a remote.
It's 26" and fairly heavy so you'll need transport - car/taxi/bike trailer to
We're just near Turnpike Lane (N8 0EX)