This is ridiculous scare mongering of the highest order, this woman is obviously an idiot with insane ideas, but she is no more unhinged than the last leader of New Labour who enjoyed himself whilst on holiday by reading ancient religious texts believing the supernatural claims made in them were real, a recent Labour education secretary (and member of Opus Dei) and all the Muslim and Christian Labour MPs. In particular - if it is superstition based animosity towards homosexuality is the issue - numerous New Labour Muslim MPs.
To say that this is somehow the secret face of Conservatism is just silly, this kind of superstition is rife in humanity, it is a non-partisan issue.
Never said it was a secret (I don't think I did?), just an aspect of Conservative values that you're not going to read in the policy book but is inherently an aspect of what being a Conservative is. That is, it is a face of Conservatism, and is not silly (in the slightest). Other people in other parties may have similar views, but they are not inherently an aspect of what it means to be Labour (does it mean anything to be Labour) or a liberal-democrat.
That is, there are a certain set of values a Conservative has. By electing them, you are allowing them (and should expect them) to govern by those values.
Never said it was a secret (I don't think I did?), just an aspect of Conservative values that you're not going to read in the policy book but is inherently an aspect of what being a Conservative is. That is, it is a face of Conservatism, and is not silly (in the slightest). Other people in other parties may have similar views, but they are not inherently an aspect of what it means to be Labour (does it mean anything to be Labour) or a liberal-democrat.
That is, there are a certain set of values a Conservative has. By electing them, you are allowing them (and should expect them) to govern by those values.