Just measured the pipe I snaffled from the gas works and its a massive 90mm outside diameter. I have a feeling that's too wide. I will see if I can get hold of some smaller diameter stuff tonight, saw it as I walked past yesterday but didn't pick it up. Should still be plenty of spare but I will check.
Also just cruising the bay for some ski poles after a fruitless attempt to track some down in charity shops on Sat. Are we still playing Wednesday?
Just measured the pipe I snaffled from the gas works and its a massive 90mm outside diameter. I have a feeling that's too wide. I will see if I can get hold of some smaller diameter stuff tonight, saw it as I walked past yesterday but didn't pick it up. Should still be plenty of spare but I will check.
Also just cruising the bay for some ski poles after a fruitless attempt to track some down in charity shops on Sat. Are we still playing Wednesday?