• I like that answer, Oliver. The roommate I was trying to show there's no road tax did bring up a valid point about cyclists not being required to carry insurance to use the roads. I think it would be very helpful to us and also to motorists who get hit by cyclists when it's the cyclist's fault.

    Is an uninsured motorist (road user) policy required for motorists in this country?

    As cyclists hardly ever harm anyone (scaring people a lot, mind you), and pedestrians harm even fewer, the introduction of 'stricter liability' should lead to clearer ideas about insurance.

    All major cycling organisations in this country--the LCC, CTC, and BC--offer free third-party insurance as part of the membership. [advertising]As a long-standing LCC member, I'm obviously heavily biased, but I think every cyclist in London should at least be a member of the LCC (I'm a member of both LCC and CTC). Membership of all of these organisations is a bloody good deal and saves you money, and you're supporting our campaigning, giving us a greater political voice.[/advertising]
