About The AuthorStephenson Billings is an Investigative Journalist, Motivational Children's Party Entertainer and Antique Soda Bottle Collector all in one special, blessed package! Fanmail me Stephenson@Christwire.org !
I read with horror, hysteria and disbelief, I still don't know if it's a piss-take, amazing stuff, the world is 70% weirder.
About The AuthorStephenson Billings is an Investigative Journalist, Motivational Children's Party Entertainer and Antique Soda Bottle Collector all in one special, blessed package! Fanmail me Stephenson@Christwire.org !
I read with horror, hysteria and disbelief, I still don't know if it's a piss-take, amazing stuff, the world is 70% weirder.