• #77
talladega nigths / ricky bobby rulllllllllllzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!
• #78
Shake and bake!!!
• #79
Quite a small list this time. bump!
• #80
long enough to pist off some drivers!!!! hahahah hopefully not! think that many people might not go (friday hangover) and some other migth come and they not in the list!! i migth go to criticall mass the day before and make some PROPAGANDA!!
• #81
• #82
Meet up 9:30PM, leave 10:00PM Saturday - Front GLA building, South Bank of Thames near Tower Bridge.
Ride ends in Kew, there will be riders heading back to all points of the compass.
Disclaimer time:
A few things to read before you go:
Check over your bike - Make sure it is roadworthy
-Check your tyres for wear and glass/flints/sharp objects
-Pump up the tyres(correctly inflated tyres puncture less)
-Check your lights and batteries
-Check for loose bolts
-Oil the chain
If you are not mechanically competent, get a friend to help you.** Prepare for self-sufficiency **
-Bring a spare tube and tube changing tools
-Bring some basic tools
-Bring spare batteries for your lights
(for the way home)
-Bring warm clothes
-Bring a rainjacket
-Bring a Fully Charged Mobile
-Bring a mapbook/gps**Sustenance **
- Bring some water** Beer**
- Bring some food that you can consume at the side of the road/whilst riding
(we will stop occasionally near shops etc, but you need to have some nibbles so that you don't hit the wall when we are in the middle of nowhere)
Riding in groups
Also, if you are not used to riding in groups, watch out for those riding with you.
Check that it is safe before overtaking, turning, track-sliding, wheelies, 180's, whatever.Brakless
If you want to come brakless,(as I will be) you introduce an extra element of risk for those riding with you.
Unless you really(really) know how to control your bike under pressure don't show-off too much in the pack and either get to the front or right to the back on climbs and descents.** Help out, sound off about hazards and if people have been dropped of the back**
Usually if we are riding the first person over a nasty bump or hidden grate, sudden drop, glass, whatever will let those immediately following them now about it by shouting or pointing.
I will shout my loudest if I come across an imminent hazard, my voice, loud as it is doesn't carry all the way to the back.So if you hear about it from the front, pass it back.
Conversely if you see people being dropped off the back, at the lights or because they are slow or having some mechanical difficulties, pass it forward so the people leading the ride know and can take steps to either wait up, slow down or go back and help them out.
** Get other peoples mobile numbers**
You can collect these in either the numbers thread or at the beginning of the ride, worth having in case you get lost off the back(or front).Take a few minutes to check out the route
http://www.gmap-pedometer.com/?r=2372909Be sensible
Do not bring arcane or speciality equipment that needs non-standard tools or esoteric knowledge in order to sort out failures and malfunctions.
Of course if you can change a 650 tub at the side of the road in under ten minutes and have all the tools and glues, be my guest.Please read the above advice carefully
Cleaned-out, correctly inflated tyres and riding sensibly would have prevented a large majority of punctures and mechanicals previously experienced on some forum rides. - Bring some water** Beer**
• #83
of course i know the way geezaaa!!! if we leaving the coach and horses by9.10 we will be in elephant and castle by 9.20 going slow! so catch with us there by the bus stop number 12 just oposite the main tube entrance!!!! if that is allrigth!!! and i hope someone will meet me in the coach!!!
If you see a random black dude suddenly start trailing you from elephant, just be aware he isn't trying to jack you. lol
• #85
pessimist ^
• #86
I'm out. Spilt boiling water on my foot yesterday at work, now have a huge blister which hurts a lot in cycle shoes on the 1 mile to work, don't want to test it no 40/50 miles.
• #87
• #88
• #89
If you see a random black dude suddenly start trailing you from elephant, just be aware he isn't trying to jack you. lol
ok mate! just scream to me or us if anybody decide to pop by in the coach and horses at 9,10!!! i guest i might start a list of who is meeting in the southys point of reunion per say the coach and horses starting with me:
• #90
Unfortunately can't do the ride. Again.
But... Perhaps someone from the East wants to meet up for a pint in the afternoon somewhere and then ride to the meeting point together?
I should be heading back home when the ride starts, as I can't find a babysitter this weekend.
• #91
I'm out. Spilt boiling water on my foot yesterday at work, now have a huge blister which hurts a lot in cycle shoes on the 1 mile to work, don't want to test it no 40/50 miles.
Pfft, excuses. Cycle barefoot...
• #92
• #93
fuck. oh well. anyone got waterproof socks?
• #94
• #96
hi guys i wont do the bridges tomorroww! sorry today in our way out from the guinnes run in brixton a fucking idiot decide to open door whitout looking and i crassed dragging with me both fabian's in the fall! i fuck up my arm cant really hold anything at the moment. soory im out! i think!!!
• #97
You get his details and witnesses?
• #98
Out! Sorry guys, no real excuse, just don't like the look of the weather forecast. Hope their wrong and you all have a great night.
Bike Destroyer
Lucky Luciano Glover
Rookie66 +1
blind dan
Zane Chaos
OwenrReed - onlyh iof its raining
lardlady if she HTFU
Bearfoot (sleepingninja)#
• #99
Have other plans now, safe ride guys.
- |³|MA3K
- Edmundro
- sorethroat
- BlueQuinn
- coppiThat
- Kirth
- Simonw7
- Bike Destroyer
9. - Rosmal
- Lucky Luciano Glover
- mc_nebula
- crimsonape
- richoking
- Rookie66 +1
18. - evans
- Do|/
- AcidHaus1
- Lyes888
- blind dan
- dicki
- supertony
- Zane Chaos
27.joelounge - Max
- OwenrReed - onlyh iof its raining
- ashleyisdabest
- Mann1e
- lardboy
- lardlady if she HTFU
- Sumo
- dimi3
- atk
- spybot
- NurseHolliday
- Battenberg
- Polowannabe
- ziska
- Bearfoot (sleepingninja)#
- Crumb
- |³|MA3K
• #100
I'm kind of hanging out to see if it's going to be raining or not.
Anyone else going in from Souths?