• #2
is that a bottle opener on the front? thats awesome!!
• #3
need. in. my. life.....will front up some hot cash if someone can make me one
• #4
The week after next I'm going to try and make one out of 15mm copper piping and plumbing fittings, I'll take photos and if it works make an instructable for people to follow.
• #5
whichever rack you want, the frame mounted one (recommended) or the dutch one that's popular on.. you guesses it, dutch bike.
cheap and reliable, all you have to do is add an old wooden box and bob your uncle.
• #6
i like the bar mounted one ...but.....its gonna fizzz me pops up .... might have to go frame mounted...one on ebay for £32 posted......i'\ll wait it out and see what the forum delivers for a day at least
• #7
any rack will fizz your pop up, if that's a problem, just put on some cushioning between the rack and drink.
• #8
Or are you looking for something like this?
• #9
yes brother! but my bike is pink....
• #10
Or are you looking for something like this?
Fucking 'ell! That must take days to stop!
I've got rod brakes on one of my bikes and they aren't exactly fantastic, but with that amount of weight I would be pooing myself at every downhill!
• #11
Not to dredge up old threads, but am looking into luggage options as it gets to sweaty back time of year... The rack above seems pretty good, but does anyone know of similar in chrome? ANd how much better is it to put the rack on the front than the back? If anyone has anything for sale too, I would be interested
• #12
Velo Orange rack from Tokyo Fixed Gear is your best bet, it's also design for front;
• #13
Velo Orange rack from Tokyo Fixed Gear is your best bet, it's also design for front;
Anyone know how much they are over here? checked tokyo fixed gears site but couldn't find anything
• #14
Looks good. What are the advantages of going front rather than rear, which is better handling do you think? I've read mixed reports of racks that move with the front wheel for affecting steering
• #15
Just checked out that VO rack, if freshtripe had them in stock they would be 110... that is not a cheap luggage solution!
• #16
not at all, but seems solid as.
either get a wire-basket for cheap or that I reckon though, otherwise it'll be 50ish spent on something that only fails within a year
• #17
Go ALL the way, build yer own:
• #18
@kboy - true, I'm not one for false economy. But that is enough for me to buy both the carradice I had been considering otherwise and a brooks to mount it on!
@starground - I don't understand the instructions...
• #19
Swedish innit
• #20
Just checked out that VO rack, if freshtripe had them in stock they would be 110... that is not a cheap luggage solution!
you wanted chrome, smart and big enough to carry stuff, this is pretty much the standard price for those kind of rack.
• #22
Where is the solid. Black for thirty quid? I want solid black...
/not racist/ -
• #23
not sure its exactly what you want, but check my thread for a front pannier style rack.
• #24
^your rack is bent.
• #25
Lol, thats not exactlt pc. ;)
It does indeed have a slight bend in it, fitted just slightly better.
http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://autobus.cyclingnews.com/photos/2009/tech/shows/nahmbs09/nahmbs095/Sycip_red_front_rack.jpg&imgrefurl=http://autobus.cyclingnews.com/tech/2009/shows/nahmbs09/%3Fid%3D/photos/2009/tech/shows/nahmbs09/nahmbs095/Sycip_red_front_rack&usg=__L3e_Sey42c3JmYYbysWh8DIQfBI=&h=500&w=375&sz=48&hl=en&start=5&sig2=dlcZQ7LoOthW-F5C_FzzJA&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=LTvavUgbhvE4bM:&tbnh=130&tbnw=98&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dfront%2Brack%2Bbicycle%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26tbs%3Disch:1&ei=ZMqmS7SLCYuOjAfUmp35CQhttp://autobus.cyclingnews.com/photos/2009/tech/shows/nahmbs09/nahmbs095/Sycip_red_front_rack.jpg fo ma beers.....like this would be magnifique......any old shit considered. fanks you lot