"Are you pissed, John?" was Matt's comment as I crashed inexplicably for about the sixth (or was it more like tenth?)time at polo tonight. Twitchy steering, short wheelbase frame is gonna take a bit of gettin' used to, I think!! Still, it shows promise for it's first time out and I suppose that's the trade-off for that level of maneuverability. I think maybe I'm not as good as the bike, more practice required. Can't really blame the bike for the spectacular superman endo over the handlebars, that was just me being a spaz. At least it wasn't in front of a huge crowd at the National Championships tho, just a few teenagers playing footy.
"Are you pissed, John?" was Matt's comment as I crashed inexplicably for about the sixth (or was it more like tenth?)time at polo tonight. Twitchy steering, short wheelbase frame is gonna take a bit of gettin' used to, I think!! Still, it shows promise for it's first time out and I suppose that's the trade-off for that level of maneuverability. I think maybe I'm not as good as the bike, more practice required. Can't really blame the bike for the spectacular superman endo over the handlebars, that was just me being a spaz. At least it wasn't in front of a huge crowd at the National Championships tho, just a few teenagers playing footy.