A few bits that I have surplus to a couple of recent builds.
All can be collected from Peckham SE15.
PM me if you need postage, if so payment by paypal is fine.
Any dibs or questions by PM please, I check my emails more than I will this thread as emails go straight to phone.
**For Sale
**Brand New Nitto Dynamic Stem 110cm. Very very nice stem but it's too big for me by 2-3 cm.
1 pair of Dura Ace 7400 brakes. NOS Dura Ace pads and shoes which have been removed from another NOS set of these brakes that I have. The calipers have some marks here and there but overall very nice. They do come with the correct barrel adjusters but I forgot to include them in the pictures.
Dura Ace seatpost 27.2 bought on here a few weeks ago but I got a NOS one so selling on. It's shortened by a few cm and nicely polished up.
Silver anatomic bars. 26.0 clamp. 42cm ctc. V Light.
Maes Bars. 25.4 clamp. 38cm ctc on the drops. A bit battered.
Silver anatomic bars, battered, bent, 44cm ctc
Brand New Suber B Torque Wrench 6-30nm. Bought to build the bikes myself but dont have the time or patience. RRP £85
A few bits that I have surplus to a couple of recent builds.
All can be collected from Peckham SE15.
PM me if you need postage, if so payment by paypal is fine.
Any dibs or questions by PM please, I check my emails more than I will this thread as emails go straight to phone.
**For Sale
**Brand New Nitto Dynamic Stem 110cm. Very very nice stem but it's too big for me by 2-3 cm.
1 pair of Dura Ace 7400 brakes. NOS Dura Ace pads and shoes which have been removed from another NOS set of these brakes that I have. The calipers have some marks here and there but overall very nice. They do come with the correct barrel adjusters but I forgot to include them in the pictures.
Dura Ace seatpost 27.2 bought on here a few weeks ago but I got a NOS one so selling on. It's shortened by a few cm and nicely polished up.
Silver anatomic bars. 26.0 clamp. 42cm ctc. V Light.
Maes Bars. 25.4 clamp. 38cm ctc on the drops. A bit battered.
Silver anatomic bars, battered, bent, 44cm ctc
Brand New Suber B Torque Wrench 6-30nm. Bought to build the bikes myself but dont have the time or patience. RRP £85