The benefit is freshness. I grind just enough for a double shot minutes before I make it. The rest stays as beans sealed in a container. That's your best option. Getting roaster to grind for you second best option.
EDIT: I can't find David Schomer's quote but it's something like: "Ground coffee is only fresh for a few minutes, before the volatile flavor oils evaporate. Roasted coffee beans last a week, and green coffee beans last for three years."
The benefit is freshness. I grind just enough for a double shot minutes before I make it. The rest stays as beans sealed in a container. That's your best option. Getting roaster to grind for you second best option.
EDIT: I can't find David Schomer's quote but it's something like: "Ground coffee is only fresh for a few minutes, before the volatile flavor oils evaporate. Roasted coffee beans last a week, and green coffee beans last for three years."