• #2077
It was little britain.
• #2078
or, die zweite fruhstuck, ja me too.
"das zweite Frühstück"
• #2079
I love baiting other competitive-looking cyclists...
Start by seeing them up ahead of me... speed up and overtake, in the drops, sprinting. Get a good distance in front of them and keep a strong pace so they have to work to catch up.... then when I hear them approaching from behind slow down a bit and let them pass and shout "YEAAAHH!! WOOO!! Go on my son!!" or something along those lines.... varies every time...
Gets some of them so pissed off they just sprint off into the distance.... hehehe...
...in other words you overtake other people but run out of steam as soon as you pass them.
• #2080
People with all the gear, and no idea. Commuters with carbon frames, carbon this and carbon that. Me on a fairly weighty plaingauge 531, 1950's frame and parts fixed gear, passing them then, waiting at lights, they jump them, then I pass them again before the next set... on and on up the Uxbridge road...
• #2081
Tiana Benjamin.
• #2082
Leaving revision super late, finally sitting down to get learning, and everything just falls into place. Awesome!
• #2083
georges brassens
• #2084
• #2085
oh forget it. I can't speak French. I just edited and reedited that thing. So I give you Spanish.
Ay! Que bueno, nunca le he visto! Estaba escuchando a las canciones de Brassens todo la tarde...
Y ahora, veo que las letras imprimado en la peli son Espanol! jaja!
• #2086
• #2087
...in other words you overtake other people but run out of steam as soon as you pass them.
• #2088
Henry Rollins
• #2089
I love being in bed.
• #2090
I love that I bought a £20 Tesco barbecue today, lots of fun getting the box into my bag but it did fit eventually... It's a Wolber copy, can't wait to get some jerk goin' on the terrace... Jah bless jerk scientist...
[/addlestoned] -
• #2091
• #2092
I'm watching Borat for the first time and it is hilarious... HILARIOUS.
• #2093
I love that I bought a £20 Tesco barbecue today, lots of fun getting the box into my bag but it did fit eventually... It's a Wolber copy, can't wait to get some jerk goin' on the terrace... Jah bless jerk scientist...
[/addlestoned]ooh, review please? my housemate turned our rusty old one into a pond (don't ask), so we need another cheapie
• #2094
I love riding back at night, riding mostly no handed while pissed/tipsy, there ain't no traffic around, I am completely free ... I just concentrate on getting back ... there are no worries about my life or any bollox like that, I just try to spin as fast as I can and that is all that matters.
• #2095
I love the fist bit of my ride this morning- Deserted Putney Upper Richmond Road- New Tarmac.
Bliss. -
• #2096
mmm new Tarmac.
• #2097
I love South London.
• #2098
Receiving a thank you letter from my grandad about 3 hours after I gave him his 90th birthday present.
He gave it to me stamped and addressed and told me I could keep the stamp. -
• #2099
the ne tarmac is nice, pitty about all the speedhumps up to my flat
• #2100
Finding money in bank accounts you'd totally forgot about...found my ISA book today, had £3k tucked away in there for the past three years somehow. I'm worse than Enron at financial management...
Do you want a bag dear?