Going back a few pages, I've been picked up on saying Blair was 'genuine' by a couple of folk. And quite rightly picked up on it too, because it's not quite what I meant. What I meant was that at least (I get the impression anyway) that he believed his own bullshit. In this context I was comparing him to Cameron, who strikes me as far more cynical than that.
That'll do. The sun shines and I have a bike to build.
Fucking hell, a lot of posting today!
Going back a few pages, I've been picked up on saying Blair was 'genuine' by a couple of folk. And quite rightly picked up on it too, because it's not quite what I meant. What I meant was that at least (I get the impression anyway) that he believed his own bullshit. In this context I was comparing him to Cameron, who strikes me as far more cynical than that.
That'll do. The sun shines and I have a bike to build.
Enjoy! :-)