I have heaps of honeybees in my garden, they are so fucking placid and keep well away from humans.
Wasps however come straight over and try to land on my face, its almost like they know that you will flinch, giving them an excuse to sting you.
Wasps make people more afraid than honeybees (the sound of their buzz, the more alarming colours, the fact that they can sting and live, the way they fly, etc.), but again, wasps generally only sting when feeling threatened, and they are less aggressive than honeybees. If you can overcome your fear of them and replace it with fascination, you'll enjoy having them around, and you won't be stung.
Bees are mostly after the flowers and not after sugary concoctions that humans consume out in the open during summer, so they come into less conflict with us.
Wasps make people more afraid than honeybees (the sound of their buzz, the more alarming colours, the fact that they can sting and live, the way they fly, etc.), but again, wasps generally only sting when feeling threatened, and they are less aggressive than honeybees. If you can overcome your fear of them and replace it with fascination, you'll enjoy having them around, and you won't be stung.
Bees are mostly after the flowers and not after sugary concoctions that humans consume out in the open during summer, so they come into less conflict with us.