• #2
And to kick things off, we'll start tomorrow at 1pm at a court that's convenient for people.
1: Wicksie x3, either court is fine.
• #3
hey wicksie, maybe put a link in the 'new to polo' thread too!
• #4
Nice one wicksie. Hope it works out.
You could probably take advantage of Broadway as well, as it's not a throw-in court, but usually pretty free.
• #5
Brick Lane!
• #6
and Brick Lane!
• #7
Nice one B. I totally meant to do that!
Perhaps we could link this to the 'new to polo' thread also?2 votes for Brick lane, brilliant. Will link that and Broadway too.
Thanks for the support guys.
• #8
updating the new to plo thread now
• #9
Cheers Rik!
I can't find a link for Brick Lane, and don't know where it is.
• #10
Brick lane
also West Polo has few numbers so more court time
• #11
Peckham Carpark
http://maps.google.es/maps?hl=es&ie=...02331&t=h&z=19I'd be well keen on this, but that's a bit of a treck, no?!
• #12
brick lane court is the top of bricklane, just past bethnal green.
• #13
West Polo has few numbers so more court time
That's really handy to know, nice one.
Would wests object to me advertising this to beginners?I'd be well keen on this, but that's a bit of a treck, no?!
That depends on where you're coming from!
I'm aiming to get a list of places across London. It might be ambitious right now, but perhaps we could have beginners sessions all over so there's one near by for most people.brick lane court is the top of bricklane, just past bethnal green.
Thanks M!
• #14
Uh, East Dulwich. Click the link, go on...
• #15
ay caramba!
So you're local, excellent. Hope to see you soon then! -
• #16
Gracias! Yes, am local, and will get there for a try out soon. Cheers
• #17
i'll pop by anywhere in london tomorrow.
couldn't make it to west on thursday, as had to work late.
• #18
Brilliant, I'm well up for this.
• #19
Put your name on the list guys!
If you PM me, I'll give you my phone number if you want to confirm.
• #20
Would wests object to me advertising this to beginners?
If you want to advertise something, say that whoever they are, they're always welcome out West. There's always stuff to borrow and someone ready to chat. You want a friendly and relaxed game then come over. I'd rather someone came West because they wanted to hang out or were curious than because they thought they'd get 'court time'.
• #21
Just a warning - if you start west, you'll always be west.
That's right Emmet. You're stuck.
• #22
If you want to advertise something, say that whoever they are, they're always welcome out West. There's always stuff to borrow and someone ready to chat. You want a friendly and relaxed game then come over. I'd rather someone came West because they wanted to hang out or were curious than because they thought they'd get 'court time'.
Or a good mixture of both!
I'd love to come Wests but live South so it's not too convenient.There might be a mallet shortage if we do get a few people along. If anyone can help in way that would be much appreciated.
• #23
Put your name on the list guys!.
I meant I'm up for this in general, I'm not in London tomorrow though, and away for the next two weekends.
After that I'd love to join in though (or in the week).
Also I'll be moving very close to both Brick Lane and Broadway courts at the end of May, less than 2 minutes ride in both cases, so I'll be happy to help you with this, say storing spare mallets for beginners, etc.
• #24
Just a warning - if you start west, you'll always be west.
That's right Emmet. You're stuck.
He started South. He lacked in confidence and feared the people around him. He turned his drop-handlebars around and came West, searching for a brighter future. For the next few months, he led a parasitic existence - never giving back more than he took from the West. Then he returned South and proclaimed himself a man. Everyone laughed.
That is the true story of Emmet.
• #25
I meant I'm up for this in general, I'm not in London tomorrow though, and away for the next two weekends.
After that I'd love to join in though (or in the week).
Also I'll be moving very close to both Brick Lane and Broadway courts at the end of May, less than 2 minutes ride in both cases, so I'll be happy to help you with this, say storing spare mallets for beginners, etc.
Perfect John, nice one!
And good luck with the bike build.
Tuesdays evenings at Newington, 18:00-21:30
MAP: https://maps.google.com/maps?q=Newington+Gardens,+London,+United+Kingdom&hl=en&ll=51.497616,-0.096087&spn=0.001904,0.00508&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=39.592876,83.232422&oq=newington+gardens&t=h&hq=Newington+Gardens,+London,+United+Kingdom&z=18
Saturday mornings at London Fields, 10:00-13:00
IMPORTANT: Please check the threads before turning up to confirm it's on.
We have plenty of spare mallets so let us know if you would like to borrow one. We also have a loaner bike you can use or you can use your own as long as you don't mind if it gets hit / scratched, but we do ask that there are no sharp or dangerous things sticking from it (i.e exposed chainrings). Drop bars and bullhorn bars aren't really a good idea, risers are the most common but they must be capped at the end.
Come along and give it a go!
Information on getting started in polo here:
How to make wheel discs
We have a Polo Strategy & Coaching section which is really helpful if you want to progress your game. If you want to make the step up to join the other sessions, you would be well advised to practice some solo polo which most players have done and are still doing. This will really help hone your skills and make the transition easier. Even if you're happy staying at the beginners session, these tips are really helpful.
Basic Rules:
Players start the game with the front wheel on their goal line.
After 3, 2, 1, Polo, (right handed people) charge towards the center of the court to the ball.
If you put your foot down, you must 'tap out' at either side of the center of the court. You must not interfere with play until you have tapped in. Try to get out the way as soon as possible if you foot down.
Once a goal is scored you return to your half of the court. You may not cross the halfway line until one person of the opposition has crossed halfway. Likewise you can not advance with the ball until the scoring team have returned to their half.
Taking out mallets with mallets, the rule is hook, don't hack. So no hacking down on mallets.
Full list of rules:
You are encouraged to wear a helmet and elbow and knee pads. Whilst they're not obligatory, if you are going to play polo on a regular basis it would be wise to invest.
Helmets can often be found on http://www.chainreactioncycles.com/SearchResults.aspx?Search=helmet&SortBy=Price for a good price, and these are some cheap but decent pads http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=120699839315&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IThttp://rover.ebay.com/roverimp/1/710-53481-19255-0/1?pub=5574889051&toolid=10001&campid=5336525415&mpt=[CACHEBUSTER]http://rover.ebay.com/roverimp/1/710-53481-19255-0/1?pub=5574889051&toolid=10001&campid=5336525415&mpt=[CACHEBUSTER]http://rover.ebay.com/roverimp/1/710-53481-19255-0/1?ff3=2&pub=5574889051&toolid=10001&campid=5336527178&customid=&item=120699839315&mpt=[CACHEBUSTER]http://rover.ebay.com/roverimp/1/710-53481-19255-0/1?pub=5574889051&toolid=10001&campid=5336525415&mpt=8473704http://rover.ebay.com/roverimp/1/710-53481-19255-0/1?pub=5574889051&toolid=10001&campid=5336525415&mpt=5738674http://rover.ebay.com/roverimp/1/710-53481-19255-0/1?pub=5574889051&toolid=10001&campid=5336525415&mpt=3528835.
Some basic tips for game play at beginners sessions.
Cover your brake.
Just like riding on the streets you should cover your brake lever and learn to feather it and apply it safely. If you have a dual brake lever then you should have the rear tighter than the front so you don't go over the handlebars. If you have a freewheel and one brake only, then put it on the back not the front.
Polo can be a very fast game but the object is not to ride as fast as you can towards the goal and whack the ball. Don't feel like you should be riding round at pace all the time, hang back, look for team mates moving round, pass the ball to each other to get down the court. Team play is a lot more fun for everyone. If there is a fast break that you're chasing, then be confident in your braking and watch the t-bones (see below).
High Sticking.
Practice doing shots where you snap at the ball instead of bring your mallet up high behind you and/or following through high in front of you. In general, try not to raise your mallet too high in the air.
This is riding in to the side of someone's bike and not a good move. Try and keep your head up when riding as much as possible to prevent riding in to people. Likewise, try not to cut in front of someone's path so they t-bone you.
Mallet under wheels.
This is really dangerous so please be careful when going for balls near front wheels.
Another useful link:
thanks @EMM