"Apparently, lactic acid does not exist as an acid in the body, rather doctors measure "lactate" in the blood to determine "lactic acid" concentration."
"lactate is an important fuel that is used by the muscles during prolonged exercise. Research shows that once lactate is released from the muscle it is converted in the liver to glucose, which is used as an energy source."
Yeah, I don't understand why a post online apparently debunking the lactic acid myth, talks about lactic acid?! Confusing bastards.
"Apparently, lactic acid does not exist as an acid in the body, rather doctors measure "lactate" in the blood to determine "lactic acid" concentration."
"lactate is an important fuel that is used by the muscles during prolonged exercise. Research shows that once lactate is released from the muscle it is converted in the liver to glucose, which is used as an energy source."