• #252
who is his goose, though?
• #253
.......... so is anybody got a final meeting where and wat time? ...........
the big roundabout in blackheathe just past the main start point for the runners time 6.30am
• #254
im, alittle confused,
so ima just turn up and cycle with those who are their at the time -
• #255
@ harry major.
If it's all about riding fast, you and the speedsters should be signing up for and getting down to herne hill for track day five, and hitting the saturday training sessions. Then you'll get to go as fast as you can without any interruptions.
Not stirring just pointing out alternative fast riding action... -
• #256
Oh my dayz, Chug's on the list. That is so fucking NITRO! :)
• #257
Don't know about y'all but I might dust off that vintage jersey.
• #258
Just to add in, last years 7:15 set off caused the main group to run into the start of the wheelchair race and not able to finish the course all the way down the mall, so maybe an earlier start would be better.
• #259
Oh my dayz, Chug's on the list. That is so fucking NITRO! :)
Word is bond, time to turn it up to Gas Mark 20.
I go for the turn up and go as fast as humanly possible option... I'm talking 88mph back to the future type shit; I'm personally looking to end up in the middle ages and go for a spot of raping and pillaging afterwards, of course only after I've nailed a cooked breakfast post route smash.
Anyone know any tips for further breaking in my B17 saddle? 2 years in and it still gets me occasionally. I only worry because I'm two days into a week long polo course and my horse Agamemnon is killing my arse with her crazy start and stop stylee, the saddle sores on my cheeks could defo make it onto TV's Naughtiest.
I think I'm starting off from Forrest Hill and heading in hella early, anyone else in the vicinity?
• #260
- coppiThat
- mmccarthy
- veLLo
- joe smith
- jcgarcia
- Stradam
- skive
- hellomiles
- Snowy
- Playmaker Glover
- Crumb
- K-Dog
- Aleksi
- NurseHolliday
- rab
- Serk
- fasih
- keepsake
- Marco
- Toby
- BlueQuinn
- Bike Destroyer
- mattty
- MA3K
- SoperRiva
- Jung + Chum
- richoking
- lyes888
- wools
- shoots
- Tika
- Tiswas
- WasabiPeas
- crimsonape
- Malibu
- TooTallTim
- fred
- williamshatnerspants
- middleofnowhere
- Velocio
- photoben
- weazlepopper
- Library Music
- Ellis
- supertony
- Zane Chaos
- mc_nebula
- Peekay
- kisu_shimo
- party_paul
- Huge16
- Volcomape
- bednarz
- greys
- Pistoffski
- ChriSF
- theteleflorist
- duracellbunny
- henrycollie
- Guerillaphoto
- joelovesfixed(2)
- john h
- Ricochet
- Gatti
- Skully
- lardboy
- erictheking
- hartxander+2
- reeen
- JD
- Rookie 66
- FridayMarch26th
- Rauri
- Red Stripe
- strech_birdseed
- Digby
- iklo
- allensea
- polowannabe
- VeeVee
- habs
- dobbo
- wilsyzy
- mustardbeak
- sherbertflyingsaucer
- DC100
- tnewmark +2
- Gav88
- Harry.
- d14vd_h
- The 5th Floor
- xrawrx
- goodhead
- R__Y
- spybot
- cani
- velib
- Teee
- Willabo
- coppiThat
• #261
In Soviet Russia, Brooks B17 saddles break YOU in!
• #262
I'm in! (With my shiny new crankset!)
- coppiThat
- mmccarthy
- veLLo
- joe smith
- jcgarcia
- Stradam
- skive
- hellomiles
- Snowy
- Playmaker Glover
- Crumb
- K-Dog
- Aleksi
- NurseHolliday
- rab
- Serk
- fasih
- keepsake
- Marco
- Toby
- BlueQuinn
- Bike Destroyer
- mattty
- MA3K
- SoperRiva
- Jung + Chum
- richoking
- lyes888
- wools
- shoots
- Tika
- Tiswas
- WasabiPeas
- crimsonape
- Malibu
- TooTallTim
- fred
- williamshatnerspants
- middleofnowhere
- Velocio
- photoben
- weazlepopper
- Library Music
- Ellis
- supertony
- Zane Chaos
- mc_nebula
- Peekay
- kisu_shimo
- party_paul
- Huge16
- Volcomape
- bednarz
- greys
- Pistoffski
- ChriSF
- theteleflorist
- duracellbunny
- henrycollie
- Guerillaphoto
- joelovesfixed(2)
- john h
- Ricochet
- Gatti
- Skully
- lardboy
- erictheking
- hartxander+2
- reeen
- JD
- Rookie 66
- FridayMarch26th
- Rauri
- Red Stripe
- strech_birdseed
- Digby
- iklo
- allensea
- polowannabe
- VeeVee
- habs
- dobbo
- wilsyzy
- mustardbeak
- sherbertflyingsaucer
- DC100
- tnewmark +2
- Gav88
- Harry.
- d14vd_h
- The 5th Floor
- xrawrx
- xrawrx
- goodhead
- R__Y
- spybot
- cani
- velib
- Teee
- Willabo
- Oldskoolracer
- coppiThat
• #263
oh, look who decides to join the party!! about time!
• #264
Late as per usual lol!
• #265
I was sure of the start time but un-sure of the location of the start so I had a 20 min read through this thread, now I am sure of the location but completely un-sure of the time.
If I get to the roundabout between 6:30 and 6:40 with +6 will there be riders there?
Also, I dont think the woolwich ferry is open that ealry and the tunnel may be closed. Anyone coming that way?
• #266
the plan was to attempt to get away from there at 6.40
i cycled around today looking at cafes but there are so few that can seat numbers and will be open on sunday. i am going to have another look tomorrow. if all else fails we can always go back to the place we went to last year. they were pleasant with us and their only failing was cold beans. if they know in advance they can sort that.
• #267
and of course people will be late etc so maybe we'll end up starting at a sharp 7am? just when the roads start officially closing. peachy.
• #268
In. Bagels at 0530
- coppiThat
- mmccarthy
- veLLo
- joe smith
- jcgarcia
- Stradam
- skive
- hellomiles
- Snowy
- Playmaker Glover
- Crumb
- K-Dog
- Aleksi
- NurseHolliday
- rab
- Serk
- fasih
- keepsake
- Marco
- Toby
- BlueQuinn
- Bike Destroyer
- mattty
- MA3K
- SoperRiva
- Jung + Chum
- richoking
- lyes888
- wools
- shoots
- Tika
- Tiswas
- WasabiPeas
- crimsonape
- Malibu
- TooTallTim
- fred
- williamshatnerspants
- middleofnowhere
- Velocio
- photoben
- weazlepopper
- Library Music
- Ellis
- supertony
- Zane Chaos
- mc_nebula
- Peekay
- kisu_shimo
- party_paul
- Huge16
- Volcomape
- bednarz
- greys
- Pistoffski
- ChriSF
- theteleflorist
- duracellbunny
- henrycollie
- Guerillaphoto
- joelovesfixed(2)
- john h
- Ricochet
- Gatti
- Skully
- lardboy
- erictheking
- hartxander+2
- reeen
- JD
- Rookie 66
- FridayMarch26th
- Rauri
- Red Stripe
- strech_birdseed
- Digby
- iklo
- allensea
- polowannabe
- VeeVee
- habs
- dobbo
- wilsyzy
- mustardbeak
- sherbertflyingsaucer
- DC100
- tnewmark +2
- Gav88
- Harry.
- d14vd_h
- The 5th Floor
- xrawrx
- xrawrx
- goodhead
- R__Y
- spybot
- cani
- velib
- Teee
- Willabo
- Oldskoolracer
- Zazkar
- coppiThat
• #269
Any Easties meeting up at the bagel bake better be at East Drinks tomorrow night, or have a bloody good explanation why not on Sunday morning :-)
• #270
Also, I dont think the woolwich ferry is open that ealry and the tunnel may be closed. Anyone coming that way?
The greenwich foot tunnel will also be closed on Sunday morning, so don't go that way.
• #271
- coppiThat
- mmccarthy
- veLLo
- joe smith
- jcgarcia
- Stradam
- skive
- hellomiles
- Snowy
- Playmaker Glover
- Crumb
- K-Dog
- Aleksi
- NurseHolliday
- rab
- Serk
- fasih
- keepsake
- Marco
- Toby
- BlueQuinn
- Bike Destroyer
- mattty
- MA3K
- SoperRiva
- Jung + Chum
- richoking
- lyes888
- wools
- shoots
- Tika
- Tiswas
- WasabiPeas
- crimsonape
- Malibu
- TooTallTim
- fred
- williamshatnerspants
- middleofnowhere
- Velocio
- photoben
- weazlepopper
- Library Music
- Ellis
- supertony
- Zane Chaos
- mc_nebula
- Peekay
- kisu_shimo
- party_paul
- Huge16
- Volcomape
- bednarz
- greys
- Pistoffski
- ChriSF
- theteleflorist
- duracellbunny
- henrycollie
- Guerillaphoto
- joelovesfixed(2)
- john h
- Ricochet
- Gatti
- Skully
- lardboy
- erictheking
- hartxander+2
- reeen
- JD
- Rookie 66
- FridayMarch26th
- Rauri
- Red Stripe
- strech_birdseed
- Digby
- iklo
- allensea
- polowannabe
- VeeVee
- habs
- dobbo
- wilsyzy
- mustardbeak
- sherbertflyingsaucer
- DC100
- tnewmark +2
- Gav88
- Harry.
- d14vd_h
- The 5th Floor
- xrawrx
- xrawrx
- goodhead
- R__Y
- spybot
- cani
- velib
- Teee
- Willabo
- Oldskoolracer
- Zazkar
- Yoshka
- coppiThat
• #272
- coppiThat
- mmccarthy
- veLLo
- joe smith
- jcgarcia
- Stradam
- skive
- hellomiles
- Snowy
- Playmaker Glover
- Crumb
- K-Dog
- Aleksi
- NurseHolliday
- rab
- Serk
- fasih
- keepsake
- Marco
- Toby
- BlueQuinn
- Bike Destroyer
- mattty
- MA3K
- SoperRiva
- Jung + Chum
- richoking
- lyes888
- wools
- shoots
- Tika
- Tiswas
- WasabiPeas
- crimsonape
- Malibu
- TooTallTim
- fred
- williamshatnerspants
- middleofnowhere
- Velocio
- photoben
- weazlepopper
- Library Music
- Ellis
- supertony
- Zane Chaos
- mc_nebula
- Peekay
- kisu_shimo
- party_paul
- Huge16
- Volcomape
- bednarz
- greys
- Pistoffski
- ChriSF
- theteleflorist
- duracellbunny
- henrycollie
- Guerillaphoto
- joelovesfixed(2)
- john h
- Ricochet
- Gatti
- Skully
- lardboy
- erictheking
- hartxander+2
- reeen
- JD
- Rookie 66
- FridayMarch26th
- Rauri
- Red Stripe
- strech_birdseed
- Digby
- iklo
- allensea
- polowannabe
- VeeVee
- habs
- dobbo
- wilsyzy
- mustardbeak
- sherbertflyingsaucer
- DC100
- tnewmark +2
- Gav88
- Harry.
- d14vd_h
- The 5th Floor
- xrawrx
- xrawrx
- goodhead
- R__Y
- spybot
- cani
- velib
- Teee
- Willabo
- Oldskoolracer
- Zazkar
- Pistanator
- coppiThat
• #273
Shit G, so you didn't make it to Thailand then?
That is a shitter.
• #274
Shit G, so you didn't make it to Thailand then?
That is a shitter.
No, wank :-(
Rebooked for next Tuesday though :-)
Do you wanna ride down to the meet mate, maybe get Marco and Damo(fellow Streathamers) too?
• #275
this sounds fun, newbies welcome?
hi guys how r u? so is anybody got a final meeting where and wat time? thank guys see u sunday