I actually came off my fixed doing little sprints on a perfectly dry, desserted, flat road. I just went to sit down, while spinning bloody fast, my brain had a little power-out, and the bike just throw me into the tarmac.
100% user error.
I also broke the tip of my finger off opening a cupboard door in the same week. When your as feck whitted as me, you dont bother sorting objects into dangerous and non-dangerous. there's no such distinction.
I actually came off my fixed doing little sprints on a perfectly dry, desserted, flat road. I just went to sit down, while spinning bloody fast, my brain had a little power-out, and the bike just throw me into the tarmac.
100% user error.
I also broke the tip of my finger off opening a cupboard door in the same week. When your as feck whitted as me, you dont bother sorting objects into dangerous and non-dangerous. there's no such distinction.