yes woody, we were talking about exactly this yesterday. great minds think alike and all that. Its clear we need to step things up to compete with the londoners and a regional league might be a really good idea. We also should try and play team games at the beginning/end of every thrown in session so teams get used to playing with each other cause its stupid if we never play in teams together except the week or so before a tournament. Maybe some kind of mini manchester league - that would encourage everyone to show up to sessions as well....
yes woody, we were talking about exactly this yesterday. great minds think alike and all that. Its clear we need to step things up to compete with the londoners and a regional league might be a really good idea. We also should try and play team games at the beginning/end of every thrown in session so teams get used to playing with each other cause its stupid if we never play in teams together except the week or so before a tournament. Maybe some kind of mini manchester league - that would encourage everyone to show up to sessions as well....