I was emailed this survey by Sport England. It is registering satisfaction of players/participants in cycling sports. You need to tell them on the survey which cycling discipline you're active in, and you can choose "Bike Polo" as an "other" option, and then go click the many "not satisfied" boxes in relation to things like courts and being bothered by locals/other sport participants.
Could be worth taking a few minutes to do. Or it could be a waste of time. I don't know. Thought I'd share it though.
I was emailed this survey by Sport England. It is registering satisfaction of players/participants in cycling sports. You need to tell them on the survey which cycling discipline you're active in, and you can choose "Bike Polo" as an "other" option, and then go click the many "not satisfied" boxes in relation to things like courts and being bothered by locals/other sport participants.
Could be worth taking a few minutes to do. Or it could be a waste of time. I don't know. Thought I'd share it though.