• I find it quite interesting really. Naturally I can understand some concerns that I consider genuine, such as Digby upthread who has a siginifcant responsibility to other people and a strong economic impact to consider. Also those with important plans and commitments to meet as well.

    However, If I, like my colleagues parents, were stranded somewhere abroad like Turkey, I would relish the forthcoming adventure of getting home by some unknown means. I've heard some interesting and contrasting tales around this. On one hand there was a group of people who forked out a large sum to get from Austria (IIRC) to get to Paris, something in the order of a thousand Euros and slept in the car. Another small group travelling from the Czech republic talked a cousin of a friend of the hotel manager where they had been staying to drive them to Paris for petrol, food, motel, beer and a hundred Euros. The driver was then going to visit a cousin living in Paris and look to drive some people back. I think they managed to do it for less than half the price.
