What the hell is up with the SA anyway? Aside from the cider its a bit shit and it barely counts as north.. You wacky splitters. It's all about first up the hill.
That and it takes me longer to get to than the flask.
Anyone fancy joining me at the foot of swains tomorrow at around 7ish for a jovial ride up? Liz isn't coming tomorrow and apparently has no interest in riding up swains again after discovering how easy highgate is in comparison.
Heel up good Clara and Darcy looks ace on the plug, although Mikey is still in the lead with matching shoes.
What the hell is up with the SA anyway? Aside from the cider its a bit shit and it barely counts as north.. You wacky splitters. It's all about first up the hill.
That and it takes me longer to get to than the flask.
Anyone fancy joining me at the foot of swains tomorrow at around 7ish for a jovial ride up? Liz isn't coming tomorrow and apparently has no interest in riding up swains again after discovering how easy highgate is in comparison.
Heel up good Clara and Darcy looks ace on the plug, although Mikey is still in the lead with matching shoes.