So me and a few others who have expressed an interest in a faster pace will be meeting on black Heath at 7 to set off about 20 past. Anyone is welcome to join. We will be aiming for a 15-18mph average speed.
Coppi: what about the premisis on hackney rd? Is it a bit east?or the vauxhall cafe in pimlico?either way I'll have to skip breakfast to go to work. :(
Fair enough.
I agree there is no point debating.
So me and a few others who have expressed an interest in a faster pace will be meeting on black Heath at 7 to set off about 20 past. Anyone is welcome to join. We will be aiming for a 15-18mph average speed.
Coppi: what about the premisis on hackney rd? Is it a bit east?or the vauxhall cafe in pimlico?either way I'll have to skip breakfast to go to work. :(