My constituency, that. Is there anything more tedious than the Monster Raving Looney party with it's soi-disant 'eccentrics', attention-seekers and pub bores? People who would have embarrassed themselves even in a 1960's sixth-form revue, people who only laugh at their own jokes, 'characters', people who can brighten a room just by leaving it. People who just love fancy dress, fart cushions and other 'japes', people who haunt the local am-dram, people with no wit, no imagination and nothing original to say and are proud of it.
You are right, they should have died when lord Such did, even then it would have been long after the broom wagon of originality had rumbled along the worn and ancient pave of history.
You are right, they should have died when lord Such did, even then it would have been long after the broom wagon of originality had rumbled along the worn and ancient pave of history.