• #102
Great to spend time with you last night Big 'O', hope to see you soon...
• #103
Lovely to see you, too!
• #104
Good news and bad news. The bad news is that I went to see the doctor last night and he said that the initial estimate of six weeks that I'd been given at the fracture clinic was rather optimistic and that I was looking at about another six weeks. I don't know if it's a standard medical tactic to give shorter estimated healing times than normal at first to correct them upwards later, but there you go. The good news is that it's healing well and within normal parameters--it had worried me that it was getting to near six weeks and I still had significant issues. (I can lift stuff OK but can't really lean on the handlebars without pain--I've tentatively tried on some shorter bike rides recently, like going shopping and down to Drag Sprints. I still can't bend the arm fully without pain, although that's getting better, too.)
If I'm looking at healing fully around early June, I still don't know if I'll be able to do any of the really long rides I was keen on doing at that time. I'm already well out of shape and might well have to get a turbo just to retain some kind of form.
Oh well, could be worse, I suppose, but it's still wearing. Of all the consequences of the injury, I miss riding a bike properly the most. Having said that, in one or two weeks I should hopefully be ready to ride a little further afield around London than just locally!
• #105
Another six weeks? That sucks! And it doesn't include the physio, does it?
Good luck
• #106
Oliver Heal fast and fully. Be patient.
• #107
Oilver, does the doctor at the fracture clinic know that you're a cyclist? (assuming that your doctor already know you ride bicycle).
My doctor often give me a different estimate time due to the fact that I ride a bicycle, and that often put stress on different part of your body that doesn't normally occur when walking.
Six or twelves weeks is nothing in comparison to a lifetime worth of cycling, heal up soon, maybe not too soon!
• #108
Don't skip the physio, apart from the fact that it seriously helps with movement etc, you might get the same one I had (coughs) very efficient and very very nice.
• #109
Cheers for the comments, all. I didn't go to the fracture clinic but saw my GP. He didn't seem to think physio was required. He did recommend some simple exercises. They do feel good. I have virtually no experience of injury and I've been assured by all medical personnel so far that it's a minor injury, so I don't really know whether I should doubt that. I'll do a short and gentle bike ride tomorrow but not risking anything, it's under 50k in three easy segments (going to a friend's wedding; home-church-party-home). I'm getting riding withdrawal symptoms which tomorrow will hopefully alleviate!
• #110
you might get the same one I had (coughs) very efficient and very very nice.
If you get Matt, he is very very nice indeed.
Oliver, I'll try and post a link to the website about physio. It has a list of exercises depending on the injury.
• #111
This is a gold mine - use it wisely
Probably useless for you, as there are no exercise for a fractured elbow, but I used the ones for the metacarpal and when I went for a physio, they gave me the same and discharged me.
• #112
D.Generate can use it
and most of use this one
• #113
• #114
This is a gold mine - use it wisely
Probably useless for you, as there are no exercise for a fractured elbow, but I used the ones for the metacarpal and when I went for a physio, they gave me the same and discharged me.
Cheers, Kris--this seems exactly for my injury:
I'll have to study these. My main limitation at the moment seems to be full elbow extension (although that has got a lot better) and pain on the outside of the elbow when I lean on something. I also get intermittent (by now quite weak) pains further along the radius, e.g. while typing, but overall it feels quite good now.
I did something similar two years ago when I cut my thumb--a friend advised going to the minor injuries unit, but I didn't and it didn't heal properly. Result = slightly reduced range of movement.