I hate dogs though. Something about being bitten in the elbow whilst sledging, getting knocked over by a Great Dane when you're 4 years old, a labrador cumming on your leg on a Welsh beach, and next door's paralysed Alsatian dragging its limp body towards you very slowly in a zombie fashion that kinda puts me off ever wanting to see another dog again.
Plus I don't want to pick up shit in a plastic bag.
I hate dogs though. Something about being bitten in the elbow whilst sledging, getting knocked over by a Great Dane when you're 4 years old, a labrador cumming on your leg on a Welsh beach, and next door's paralysed Alsatian dragging its limp body towards you very slowly in a zombie fashion that kinda puts me off ever wanting to see another dog again.
Plus I don't want to pick up shit in a plastic bag.