• #102
Mind, she has been commuting, all be it geared, for about 5 years now. She's got a very dirty mouth as well. It's brilliant when she has a go at cars/vans/taxis/peds with her south London/French accent.
Know what you mean with the French accent, I reckon all French people get quite shouty when angry, also cos she doesn't know how strong the swear words are just rattles of abuse an unsuspecting victims.
But think mine still needs allot of convincing to commute by bike in London, especially after today's horrible accident.
• #103
@ Brave..... any chance of recording this and uploading?
• #104
^ I'll try... It is very, very funny.. her "your 'aving a laugh you muppet cunt" is particularly endearing.. Try to imagine it with a heavy French accent.
• #105
surely a back brake skid and leg brake skid will result in the same thing when released, i.e., just spinning happily...
you can keep your knees thank you very much.
Look what happened to Eddie.
• #106
Great thread this, I've been inspired to flip it over tonight for a try when I cycle to rowing tonight. Looking forward to it (I have cleats so should be fun)....
Just a quick question though, as a coaster down hill most of the time, what is the correct practice for long / steep down hills? Obviously your feet will be spinning mega quick, is it to just try and control it as best you can? I appreciate thats a bit of a terrible new person question, just don't want to be 1/2 way down a hill shitting myself!
• #107
Relax.. Let your legs spin.. You'll have no other alternative...
• #108
I'm still going ss rather than fixed, I just love coasting down hills too much to give it up!
• #109
I'm still going ss rather than fixed, I just love coasting down hills too much to give it up!
You don't know what you're missing bednarz.. One day you'll fix.. and then wonder why you hadn't done so ages ago
• #110
I don't really like spinning cos I think momentum and gravity are out to get me. I pedal down hills so I feel prepared to resist when I hit a red light or whatever.
• #111
You don't know what you're missing bednarz.. One day you'll fix.. and then wonder why you hadn't done so ages ago
I had my eureka moment today, I went and flipped it. After a nervous first 5 minutes, I kind of got into it... Can't really explain the feeling, but on the way back from the clubhouse I kind of got a lot more confident. I didn't use my back brake to see how it feels, so that when I get up to normal cycling confidence I can take it off, I think I'll defo stick with a front brake though!
Anyway, I'm glad I swapped. Off for a around the Isle of Wight cycle next week, so going to cram in a load of practice so I can tackle that!
• #112
^ +1
• #113
^ +1
I'm still bricking it about going down hills though!I can see myself trying to coast and ending up head first into a tree or something....
• #114
add resistance and use your front break if you feel like you're loosing control, its really quite easy. Other then that just disconnect at the hip and let the legs spin.
• #115
I'm still bricking it about going down hills though!I can see myself trying to coast and ending up head first into a tree or something....
You'll be fine.... trust me
• #116
Don't wait until your legs are spinning at maximum before slowing down. Take it easy to begin with and use your brake hard and early, building up your top cadence a bit at a time. Soon you'll be spinning freely and smoothly.
• #117
Yes, don't do a big hill until you've got used to the permanent spinning experience first. It's all about relaxing the legs.
• #118
I'm still bricking it about going down hills though!I can see myself trying to coast and ending up head first into a tree or something....
Sounds mental, but if you feel yourself 'spinning out'. pedal faster to get on top of the gear. Then slowdown. Try it.
• #119
Cheers for the tips. I'm sure it'll be fine!
It's a good 70 miles around the IOW, so I think I'm going to be a wuss and stick to SS for the fist 55 - 60 miles of the trip, then do the last 10 -15miles (which is fairly flat) on the Fixed, then when I'm back I've got a good few weeks before my next long ride to really bed into fixed.
• #120
just bash it out
I think i'm gonna do the bikeathon fixed this year
• #121
So last week discovered after 3 days of riding fixed that my lockring was loose. So been away on work back on the commute had to flip the hub to the SS side to ride the bike into town so I can tighten the lock ring on the fixed side (as I dont have the tools myself) coming up to the traffic lights try spastically to resist the pedals with no result. Strangly I felt like I had very little controll, and missed immensely the sensation of riding fixed.
Hope today all will be sorted and ride home fixed!
• #122
Yeah coasting doesn't feel nice.
The worst is when my langster is out of action and I have to commute on my cheapo mountain bike. Its like driving a hgv, the size of the bars and clunky gears plus coasting makes my toes curl. -
• #123
Sounds mental, but if you feel yourself 'spinning out'. pedal faster to get on top of the gear. Then slowdown. Try it.
- many
honestly trying to resist while spinning makes the whole thig feel way out of control, on my 69 Gi i can keep on top of most hills up to about 35 mph
- many
• #124
slava, cut it out. 3 posts of just comma's wont get you out the nursery.
• #125
I didn't know about that hill til I was already attacking it, not being a regular hill climber my brain almost exploded before I hit the top but if i can do I reckon anyone can.
Mind, she has been commuting, all be it geared, for about 5 years now. She's got a very dirty mouth as well. It's brilliant when she has a go at cars/vans/taxis/peds with her south London/French accent.