So the rear hub has been a bit rough of late. Not surprising really given that I've ridden it all through the worst winter I can remember and it's been through a lot of potholes and the like. I swear I was definitely going to give it a clean and a service soon, make it all nice again, maybe pop some new bearings in.
However things came to a bit of a head today. I left for work as usual and almost straight away it started getting noise. I thought it was just the chain being a bit dry and jumping on the sprocket. No worries, bit of oil will soon get that running nicely. Alas no, big spray of oil and nothing doing on the way home. Still very noisy. So I whip it up in the stand, pop the wheel out and give it a quick spin to see how the sprocket is doing. Except no spin. It just grinds around, I don't even know how I've persuaded the fucker to get me home. It's fair to say that at this point the hub is dead, proper dead. Not even worth trying to resurrect. First things first, it's off with the lock ring and then on to the sprocket. It's in decent nick still. Much tinkering later and the fucker hasn't moved an inch so I give it a dose of WD40 and a big effort. Incomes the fail. In a coup de grace I have bent the chain whip beyond use and ripped a tooth of the sprocket.
I get to add myself to the list again.
So the rear hub has been a bit rough of late. Not surprising really given that I've ridden it all through the worst winter I can remember and it's been through a lot of potholes and the like. I swear I was definitely going to give it a clean and a service soon, make it all nice again, maybe pop some new bearings in.
However things came to a bit of a head today. I left for work as usual and almost straight away it started getting noise. I thought it was just the chain being a bit dry and jumping on the sprocket. No worries, bit of oil will soon get that running nicely. Alas no, big spray of oil and nothing doing on the way home. Still very noisy. So I whip it up in the stand, pop the wheel out and give it a quick spin to see how the sprocket is doing. Except no spin. It just grinds around, I don't even know how I've persuaded the fucker to get me home. It's fair to say that at this point the hub is dead, proper dead. Not even worth trying to resurrect. First things first, it's off with the lock ring and then on to the sprocket. It's in decent nick still. Much tinkering later and the fucker hasn't moved an inch so I give it a dose of WD40 and a big effort. Incomes the fail. In a coup de grace I have bent the chain whip beyond use and ripped a tooth of the sprocket.
Road bike tomorrow then.