• I had a bit of rusty metal get lodged in my eye whilst out on the roads. At the A&E, watching the needle the doctor used, as it approached my eye, and as she picked away at my eye with it, was 'interesting' .

    I had the exact same experience - what turned out to be a tiny flake of rusty steel embedded in my eye. Off to the eye hospital, where they gripped my head in a special frame so that I couldn't accidently jerk forwards when the needle was probing away at the surface of my eyeball...
    I also had a terrible experience years ago when I was riding down a very long, very steep, twisty road - the Mendips somewhere - and a big fucking insect whacked into my eye at what might have been 40 or 50mph relative (my 30-35 plus its 10-15). A half-blind emergency stop left me halfway through a hedge. Only minor injuries, but my bike shorts were ripped, leaving me facing a long ride back into Bristol with my knob in severe danger of popping out. I had to hold them together while I went into a little village shop which luckily had one of those needle and thread kits - Spar Essentials or somesuch. I found a stile and climbed into a field; stripped off and did emergency repair work on the shorts, and just about got away with it...
