• #2
See a physio rather than asking a load of beardy guy on the internet.
• #3
take it off at the neck
• #4
See a physio rather than asking a load of beardy guy on the internet.
+1 and maybe ice pack it tonight for 15 min a few times...
• #5
See a physio rather than asking a load of beardy guy on the internet.
yes, but
I shaved my beard off yesterday. not me guvnor. -
• #6
thx. all advice welcome, bearded cleanshaven or otherwise. I plan to see a physio too but nhs being what it is figure that could take weeks.
anyone any idea on a sore hip issue?
one side only. hard to describe. Let's say i'm sitting on the bike, it's a sort of cold pain just behind the bony sticky out bit at the top of the leg bone where it goes into the hip. It had pretty much cleared up about a month ago but getting to the point now it might stop me riding :(