• #177
^Yeah sorry,
I cant think about the place without the lamest pun ever; 'so good they named it twice!'
I'll be quiet now. -
• #178
Waihi NZ > Auckland NZ > Colorado USA > London UK > ?
• #179
Braunston>Sanderstead>Selsdon>Poole>Maidenhead>Newport Rhode Island>Maidenhead.
• #180
balki, is there a wagga, and a wagga wagga in aus?
• #181
Stokey > Maida Vale > Queens Park > Liverpool
• #182
Born in Italy but just moved to Turku, Finland...
I weep for thee.
• #183
balki, is there a wagga, and a wagga wagga in aus?
2 waggas - We have some cousins up there, I think.
Wagga Wagga NSW, Australia
Link: http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=wagga+wagga&sll=53.800651,-4.064941&sspn=14.484393,56.645508&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Wagga+Wagga+New+South+Wales,+Australia&z=14 -
• #184
Balki, is there a Wagamama in Wagga Wagga?
• #185
Some joke about a ram in a ramadamadingdong.
• #186
wait, so is there a wagga or not?
• #187
Upminster, Limehouse, Brentwood and Hammersmith.
My Missus is far more impressive - Bilbao, Putney, Surrey and Hammersmith.
• #188
wait, so is there a wagga or not?
Don't ask Balki, he's a bit of a wag.
• #189
I am from the internet.
• #190
I am from the internet.
? -
• #191
I am from the internet.
• #192
• #193
I've told you once already, that is when I was going trough a very difficult time.
• #194
?Shame on you people.
• #195
I've told you once already, that is when I was going trough a very difficult time.
It seems that you were in a bit of a trough.
• #196
It seems that you were in a bit of a trough.
It doesn't end.
Wagga wagga, that is...