Nah, basically they get these chicks who wear all sorts of wacky clothes and pile on makeup and they make them into natural beauties. Then they do a little before and after survey where they ask blokes "would you snog, marry or avoid this person" And all the dim blokes say they would avoid her whenm she looks like a tart, then marry her when she looks all homely. Personally, Im a bit more of a flouro boob-tube/platform boots/plumbers crack kind of bloke myself.
I know theres a thread for this, but I cant believe Daisy went on a date on Take Me Out, in the LAST FUCKING EPISODE! Now she, I would marry... and snog. That fucking little bedwetting millionaire snagged her. Didnt he have a fucking face that wanted smashing.
You watch too much crap television and should ride more.
You watch too much crap television and should ride more.
Come to the Drag Sprints tonight.