I found this community of yours and wanted to ask your opinions as Im taking the plunge and attempting to build my own single speed bike for commuting purposes. Im pretty clueless technically so I guess this is my first post of possibly many ( i shall endeavor to scour this site for any questions/answers beforehand).
I wanted to make sure the wheels Im currently looking at will fit the bike.
I'll be buying in a cinelli vigorelli frame and the wheels Im eyeing are a set of 700c Campagnolo Shamals 14 hole front and 16 hole back. The back hub comes with a 9 speed cassette which I'll be looking to replace with a hub i can alternate between fixed and freewheel. Im not sold on the idea of riding fixed at this stage so will install a front break.
What are your thoughts on riding 14/16 spokes on the road, ie: do you think this is sufficient or am i looking at destroying these rims? ( I weigh in at 74 kg's )
The back wheel is also warped by a centimeter or two but i figured this could be easily trued/ corrected? ( or not? )
I guess what Im asking is whether or not anyone can recommend a hub which could replace the one on the back wheel in order to get it to fit this frame. (unless of course this is not possible?)
like i said, Im completely new to all this so any info would help me out immensely.
hello folks
I found this community of yours and wanted to ask your opinions as Im taking the plunge and attempting to build my own single speed bike for commuting purposes. Im pretty clueless technically so I guess this is my first post of possibly many ( i shall endeavor to scour this site for any questions/answers beforehand).
I wanted to make sure the wheels Im currently looking at will fit the bike.
I'll be buying in a cinelli vigorelli frame and the wheels Im eyeing are a set of 700c Campagnolo Shamals 14 hole front and 16 hole back. The back hub comes with a 9 speed cassette which I'll be looking to replace with a hub i can alternate between fixed and freewheel. Im not sold on the idea of riding fixed at this stage so will install a front break.
What are your thoughts on riding 14/16 spokes on the road, ie: do you think this is sufficient or am i looking at destroying these rims? ( I weigh in at 74 kg's )
The back wheel is also warped by a centimeter or two but i figured this could be easily trued/ corrected? ( or not? )
I guess what Im asking is whether or not anyone can recommend a hub which could replace the one on the back wheel in order to get it to fit this frame. (unless of course this is not possible?)
like i said, Im completely new to all this so any info would help me out immensely.
flame away...