Is anyone up for a team day this sunday,so those going to Manchester can play as a team and be better prepaired for the tourny,
10 min games, 5 goals, ref,goal refs,take it in turns?
use our old back boads?i'll try and get the corners made too.
Those who dont have a team could have a throw in against the teams going to Manchester?
see if some london teams are up for it?
I really hope we can do this so our teams going can win it and get them to the worlds?
Great night of polo.
Is anyone up for a team day this sunday,so those going to Manchester can play as a team and be better prepaired for the tourny,
10 min games, 5 goals, ref,goal refs,take it in turns?
use our old back boads?i'll try and get the corners made too.
Those who dont have a team could have a throw in against the teams going to Manchester?
see if some london teams are up for it?
I really hope we can do this so our teams going can win it and get them to the worlds?