It's all this "anyone who protests is an unwashed anarchist" drivel I can't stand.
most anarchists i know wash regularly and look just like 'normal' folk.
On the issue of the Smellie case, i'm not remotely surprised that he got off. I'm sure they get away with much worse than this on a daily basis. It's just that there happened to be lots of cameras around.
Ultimately the police are there to protect the laws of the ruling classes. Sometimes, the laws of the ruling classes help the rest of us (e.g. making murder, rape etc illegal), but the primary purpose of the police is to protect private property, enclosure of commons, capital accumulation, and their privileged paymasters. You see, an economic system like capitalism that is manifested through a process of what is essentially crisis management can't survive without workers who do what they're told and STFU. The first police forces were gangs of thugs hired to protect property that was stolen from the peasants and sold/rented back to them by feudal lords. And they still are, in a sense, even if they have taken on some moderate 'community support' functions over the years.
she got manhandled a bit, maybe a bit harshly I agree, but she was looking for it.
jaysus, replace being gobby with wearing a short skirt and that could have been lifted straight from a Daily Mail article about rape victims "asking for it".
most anarchists i know wash regularly and look just like 'normal' folk.
On the issue of the Smellie case, i'm not remotely surprised that he got off. I'm sure they get away with much worse than this on a daily basis. It's just that there happened to be lots of cameras around.
Ultimately the police are there to protect the laws of the ruling classes. Sometimes, the laws of the ruling classes help the rest of us (e.g. making murder, rape etc illegal), but the primary purpose of the police is to protect private property, enclosure of commons, capital accumulation, and their privileged paymasters. You see, an economic system like capitalism that is manifested through a process of what is essentially crisis management can't survive without workers who do what they're told and STFU. The first police forces were gangs of thugs hired to protect property that was stolen from the peasants and sold/rented back to them by feudal lords. And they still are, in a sense, even if they have taken on some moderate 'community support' functions over the years.
jaysus, replace being gobby with wearing a short skirt and that could have been lifted straight from a Daily Mail article about rape victims "asking for it".