• #4102
I am still undecided, I voted no on the vote, mainly because i hvant made my mind up so didnt want to add to a yes landslide. There are pretty good reasons for and against, the biggest of which is logistics...
• #4103
i don't believe in voting so i haven't. but if we were having a discussion about it i'd say that it should be the decider. i don't see how else it could be done, it's the perfect event..unless each city chooses a team i guess
• #4104
it's the perfect event..unless each city chooses a team i guess
more than 6 cities are playing polo, and i don't think the idea of having one team would go over with london
• #4105
why not?
• #4106
I sorta agree with Josh, would be silly to give each team one place. nice to be fair to everyone and all that, but this is a polo competition, woulld be stupid to give one team to MCR, one to LDN, one to Oxford, one to Cambridge, one to Bhm, one to Newcastle, then what of Leeds and Sheffield? what of the fact that only the first 4 play lots of polo
• #4107
I'm not voting but I'd say yes its the best way of deciding. Surely everyone who's serious about going to the worlds will be at the uk champs and organising a qualifying event for it would be really difficult. Unless someone comes up with a 'fairer' way that we all agree on then this event will be the decider and thats that. Not been following it really but I can't see any alternatives. I think most people who are against it don't have a chance of finishing top 6 at the champs and their making a fuss about it. If Netto finished in the 6 and I did'nt get to play at the worlds I'd be pretty pissed.
Not sure if this has been sugested but what about a pionts system over all the tournements leading up to and including the Euro's?
• #4108
I'm not voting but I'd say yes its the best way of deciding. Surely everyone who's serious about going to the worlds will be at the uk champs and organising a qualifying event for it would be really difficult. Unless someone comes up with a 'fairer' way that we all agree on then this event will be the decider and thats that. Not been following it really but I can't see any alternatives. I think most people who are against it don't have a chance of finishing top 6 at the champs and their making a fuss about it. If Netto finished in the 6 and I did'nt get to play at the worlds I'd be pretty pissed.
Not sure if this has been sugested but what about a pionts system over all the tournements leading up to and including the Euro's?
Points system sounds like a good idea, but too late to implement it this year. It would sort of make a UK league, but without the hastle of trying to make teams play each other every two weeks or something, would just mean all tourneys had a big turnout!
Also i think you have hit the nail on the head with the fact there has been no better suggestion. Had we thought of all this a few weeks ago it would be fine as we could have told everyone that the UK champs are for the worlds, but as it is noone has stepped fwd to say they will put on a world qualifier, it would be hard to get all the non-london teams together again. ALSO no team has come forward saying that they are not coming to the champs but DO wanna come to the worlds, so it all seems a bit moot.
• #4109
Hmm, I guess we'll just have to put it down to experience and put more thought into qualifiers for massive tournaments. I don't have a massive problem with the uk champs being used for this, we'll just have to step up and play our hearts out. The downside is it could change the atmosphere of the event but it would be very competitive anyway.
• #4110
I don't think it will change the atmosphere THAT much althoguh i guess it puts a lot more on the line, but still, title of UK champ is a pretty covetted title
• #4111
So what are the main reasons for mcr folk being against all this?
• #4112
Like I said, I am still un-decide, but if i were to be against, i would probably be in favour of a city distribution (though obvisouly not 1 to london). BUT UK only having 6 spaces makes this quite hard.
I think the wild-card tourney in Berlin is gonna be carnage! anyone that makes it through their is then goign to have to compete for a further 2 days! -
• #4113
Yeah that be pretty full on. Handing out spots to city's does not work in my mind, you get a better spread of city's (blatantly) but not the cream of the crop. It's the worlds not a throw in Sunday afternoon
• #4114
i totally think the uk champs should decide, it's the fairest way. then if the 6 best teams are all from Powys, so be it, they're the best teams..y'know....
• #4115
Where's Powy's?
• #4116
i havent voted yet cause im still undecided, while the UK champs are the obvious way to work out who the best 6 in england are and as mirek says if you finished 6th in the champs and then didnt go to the worlds you would be well pissed off however, there are some issues against it for me at least:
In the football world cup its not a collection of the best 36 teams in the world. Sure the really good teams will usually be there but so are teams like saudi arabia and trinidad and tobago, obviously rubbish with no hope of winning but still it gives the world cup its 'world'. Seeing as the polo 'world' is relatively small, i see no reason why the major polo cities of each country should if possible be represented, to give a feeling of proper representation at the worlds. This is a worldwide community after all as well as a 'sport/game/whatever'. Maybe London could have the top 5 london sides in the Uk champs and the 6th spot goes to the 1st non london team? That would possibly be a fair represntation of the sprea of poloists/istas in the uk?
er i forgot.....
• #4117
But we're all from/representing the same country, the UK.
• #4118
and if you wanted to do city representation at the world bike polo championships, there would be 200 teams, and london would only get one
• #4119
my point being that seeing as the 'polo world' is smaller than the 'football world' some of the bigger polo cities could possibly be counted as a country - jeesus im confusing myself with all the metaphors. What im trying to say is while it makes sense for the majority of the 6 places to go to london teams, it would possibly be unrepresentative of the UK polo community if it was JUST London teams that go to the worlds - highly likely if we take the top 6 teams in the UK champs....obviously we cant represent every single city but a nod to polo outside London might be a fair thing?
• #4120
I think Josh was on the same pont as yours, just that if a city were to count as a country then London only just would, and Manchester or anywhere else in the UK wouldn't.
also, shutup about football, this is polo duhhh -
• #4121
7 o'clock car park
- Neil
- Marek
- Paul
- Neil
• #4122
How about we give the NCP guy a night off...? we could try the underground bit of the Aldi car park... i've been there quite a few times and there have NEVER been any cars down there and i've never been asked to leave.. it's not perfect but better that getting kicked straight out....
Aldi Car park...
- Adam
- Adam
• #4123
ILVA carpark ILVA, i may be down but not sure what im doing yet, (think im getting drunk maybe) i will ring adam later
• #4124
ALDI Car Park ALDI... try buying some modern Scandinavian furniture round there now mate...
• #4125
ah sorry thought it was closed down ILVA, not been up that end of town for ages
but surely the uk champs should decide who goes to the worlds, non?