All racing and training track sessions at Herne Hill Velodrome are carried out on fixed-wheel track bikes. The rise in popularity of fixed-wheel bikes now means many people may own one for use on the road. To make it track legal it must adhere to certain standards: Mandatory Requirements
[]Bikes must be fixed wheel (ie it is not possible to freewheel)
[]Bikes must have no breaks at all. No calipers, levers, or cables
[]Bikes must be fitted with drop handlebars, with bar-tape or grips, and bar ends. Bar-tape stops your hands slipping, and bar ends prevent serious injuries in the event of a crash.
[]Some form of foot retention (connecting your feet with the pedals) is required. If using toe straps, please do these up tightly so you can’t just slip in and out. If using a clipless pedal system please ensure your cleats aren’t worn down, and that the release setting on the pedals is set tightly.
[*]Helmets must be worn (see clothing).
[]A gear ratio of around 84-86 gear inches is suitable for training, while a slightly higher ratio around 88-90 gear inches is preferred for racing.
[]700c wheels, with slick tyres, of around 23c are ideal.
[]Poorly fitting, and “lo-pro” bikes often limit a riders control and observational ability. Use of these is not advised.
[]Herne Hill is a fairly shallow track, so road frame conversions should usually be fine, providing they don’t have particularly low bottom brackets or long cranks. It is best you check these with a coach before riding.
[*]Bikes must be in safe, well maintained and working order. If a member of the coaching staff thinks your bike isn’t safe, you will not be able to ride it on the track.
What to wear? A question often clouds the mind of the fashion conscious cyclist. Don’t worry, specialist clothing isn’t required to ride on the track, but some basic threads will improve your track riding experience greatly:
[]Helmets must be worn whenever using any cycling facility at Herne Hill Velodrome
[]Ensure that shoe laces, and trouser bottoms are tucked well out the way of your chain. If either get entangled with your chain, at best you’ll rip them, at worst you’ll come off the bike. It is best to tuck laces into your shoes, and either roll trouser legs up, or tuck them into your socks.
[]Likewise, any baggy and flapping clothing (hoods, skirts, scarfs, coats etc) poses a risk of getting caught on something.
[]Baggy and flapping clothing also makes a significant negative effect on your aero-dynamics, and will noticeably slow you down. Close fitting, or cycling specific clothing, is ideal.
[]Wearing gloves, preferably padded cycling gloves, will make your hands a lot less prone to numbness and soreness. and protect them in the event of a crash.
[]Wearing two layers of clothing, especially on your top half will make you a lot less likely to receive cuts and grazes in the event of a crash.
[*]Padded cycling shorts will greatly improve comfort in sensitive body areas.