my point being that seeing as the 'polo world' is smaller than the 'football world' some of the bigger polo cities could possibly be counted as a country - jeesus im confusing myself with all the metaphors. What im trying to say is while it makes sense for the majority of the 6 places to go to london teams, it would possibly be unrepresentative of the UK polo community if it was JUST London teams that go to the worlds - highly likely if we take the top 6 teams in the UK champs....obviously we cant represent every single city but a nod to polo outside London might be a fair thing?
my point being that seeing as the 'polo world' is smaller than the 'football world' some of the bigger polo cities could possibly be counted as a country - jeesus im confusing myself with all the metaphors. What im trying to say is while it makes sense for the majority of the 6 places to go to london teams, it would possibly be unrepresentative of the UK polo community if it was JUST London teams that go to the worlds - highly likely if we take the top 6 teams in the UK champs....obviously we cant represent every single city but a nod to polo outside London might be a fair thing?