I know it was mentioned earlier, but I don't remeber what the conccencus was, but what is happening with the issues of foreign players? obviously not players who are foreign and live and play int he UK, but players who are coming to the UK Champs, but are also able to win a position in the worlds through a competition in their own home country? surely they should have to decide to be for one country or another, and if they come in the top 6 of the champs then they are skipped?
I know it was mentioned earlier, but I don't remeber what the conccencus was, but what is happening with the issues of foreign players? obviously not players who are foreign and live and play int he UK, but players who are coming to the UK Champs, but are also able to win a position in the worlds through a competition in their own home country? surely they should have to decide to be for one country or another, and if they come in the top 6 of the champs then they are skipped?