• Metcheck still doesn't show any rain on Saturday night. Just in case rain does happen, it's not a deal breaker. As long as you have decent stuff to wear (I wouldn't recommend citywear), you'll be fine. A decent baselayer (essential--if you don't have one, get one) under a good-quality long sleeve jersey or a jacket, a cap for the head, good gloves, and ideally some legwear that doesn't rub over your knees when it gets soaked--this is quite important and a pretty good argument for the old lycra. Overshoes also help. Take a spare pair of socks.

    Other than that, it's not a big deal. I actually really enjoy riding in a bit of rain--it always seems worse than it really is when you're not in it. You'll also get the added benefit of being able to greatly exaggerate what conditions were like when miseducating your grandchildren. This is how myths are born. 'Grandpa Gilgamesh, Grandpa Gilgamesh, how was it again when you went out for that ride?' :)
