• Any Suggestions ?

    For the attention of Mr Mick Crossen.
    I am writing this email to inform you of the dangerous conduct of one of your drivers at approximately 8:10 / 8:15 AM on the morning of the 31st March 2010.

    I was commuting to work via bicycle ( as i have done for the last 2 years on a route i am more than familiar with) and was travelling along Durham Street in Vauxhall, Southwark when one of your companies skip vehicles completed a very dangerous overtaking manoeuvre.
    The driver of the Skip carrying HGV Registration LC08ACU came round the corner of Durham Street and Harleyford Road accelerating to overtake, this forced me to do an emergency stop and mount the pavement to avoid a collision. At a guess i would say i was no more the 10 inches from the rear wheel of the truck as it carried out this aggressive overtaking manoeuvre.

    Please see attached link for exact location :- http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=oval+station+streetview&sll=51.484714,-0.118049&sspn=0.001163,0.002411&gl=uk&ie=UTF8&ll=51.484715,-0.118328&spn=0,359.997589&z=19&layer=c&cbll=51.484709,-0.118463&panoid=xYjNNa1NHSdpENJPRDuZqQ&cbp=12,14.73,,0,21.42

    I am a competent and considerate cyclist and driver. I do not jump red lights, obey the highway code and keep up with the flow of traffic and maintain a prominent road position to remain visible as much as is possible. At the time of the incident i was wearing light clothing with reflective tape on my bag and bright lights on both the back and front of my bicycle, i was aware of my surroundings and the HGV behind me before the incident.

    I would like to know why your driver thought it was necessary to carry out this dangerous and life threatening manoeuvre. I also thought you would like to know that this sort of conduct by your is damaging the reputation of your company.

    I look forward to receiving a reply from you on this matter, but would also like to inform you that if i do not i will be contacting the Authorities, Watchdog and Which?

    I would also like to highlight that the number of deaths of both Pedestrians and Cyclists as a result of collisions with HGV vehicles is on the rise with 4 killed in February and March alone and i would prefer not be part of these statistics.
