I've currently got a Bianch nirone , and i've taken it to my lbs , and they managed to fit the rear wheel and get the chain tight enough for this machine to become fixed , ive been riding it like anyone would do with a bike like this for a couple'a days and the chain is getting loose , its gotten so loose everytime i hit a pothole / immediately skid , sometimes even go onto pavements , the chain would come out . I passed by shop14 and had a chat with ted , it seems drop-outs like mine are unable to be transferrd into the horizontal drop outs . He did mention something about white industrie hubs ? if anyone could give me more info , point me into the right direction id be more then gratefull // also , if i took out a few links from the ss chain untill it was tight enough , would that be a soloution ?
I've currently got a Bianch nirone , and i've taken it to my lbs , and they managed to fit the rear wheel and get the chain tight enough for this machine to become fixed , ive been riding it like anyone would do with a bike like this for a couple'a days and the chain is getting loose , its gotten so loose everytime i hit a pothole / immediately skid , sometimes even go onto pavements , the chain would come out . I passed by shop14 and had a chat with ted , it seems drop-outs like mine are unable to be transferrd into the horizontal drop outs . He did mention something about white industrie hubs ? if anyone could give me more info , point me into the right direction id be more then gratefull // also , if i took out a few links from the ss chain untill it was tight enough , would that be a soloution ?
Cheers in advance