• What was that? I'm sure that's what Brailsford is thinking. Not. GB flopped.

    Your omnium winner isn't even sure he'll be racing it due to working on the team pursuit.. which we.. err.. smoked you in. The Omnium hasn't even been finalised and will likely be over 2 days, not 1.. recovery being a key factor here and which you'll agree Meyer managed rather well.

    France and Oz beat your men's sprinter.
    The Aus girls beat your women's team sprinters.
    And in case you didn't notice, Meyer would have destroyed Clancy if he had done the Omnium instead of his chosen events.

    You don't have to attend every one. You just need to do what's needed to qualify.
    If you can qualify without travelling around the world, so be it.
    It might actually be more beneficial to do the travel as you will have to do the same when you compete at the Champs and Olympics (well, we will).

    You wish. Now we finally have some new blood (boom tish) you'll be buying.

    For me? You're so generous.

    "while Australia were the most successful nation" is all I got. Sorry, was there anything else I should read? Oh wait, here's another one.. "Less encouraging for Britain are the moves by the UCI this week to limit the technological advantage that they and the other major nations hold by implementing rules about the use of expensive bikes that are not available commercially."

    Nice. :)

    It stings, losing, doesn't it? :)

    "Oh we would have won, but we decided we'd just not enter, save ourselves the embarrassment" hahaha

    Not everyone.
    more posts for me..
    more posts more me..
    posts like our medal count
    growing exponentially :)

    Yes, you have gone postal. :)
