• I dislike the whole 2012-ocentric approach. It's bollocks. The Olympics - big fucking deal. And anyway, it's 2 years away. There's more to life than protracted peaking e.g. the confidence gained by winning world championships; riding to your full potential in any given competition; giving supporters the performances they've turned up to see; the negative impact of supporters and media disillusioned by 'restricted athletes'; the threat of longterm psychological cracks in athletes who wanted to win and knew they would've been able to without Olympic shackles.

    What's the deal? Is it just an excuse, a façade to distract us from ageing athletes progressing beyond their golden years, or the obligations of top riders to their pro road teams? Is it driven by politics and economics, pleasing a jingoistic government whose future funding will be measured against Olympic success?

    It's fucking bollocks. Bollocks, bollocks, bollocks.
