• My notes, taken on Vidals phone which I didn't know how to operate so a few details may be wrong but here's the jist of tonight's game:

    BAD wins the charge and it's a slow pace to start out with, both teams playing very cautiously, bad won the charge and has 2 shots In 1st minute. Still very cautious play from both sides. Bad is playing the double team strategy not allowing the clear passing. Malice is playing very defensively but aidan scores at 3:56. Matt comes out of goal and has Malice's 1st shot on goal but it's blocked by dt. Malice are playing a bit too cautious and Aidan scores at 6:50. Andy puts Maice on the board with a goal at 8:54. dt is released and scores at 10:00 and Aidan scores at 1055 and again at 11:48.
    Final for 1st game 5-1 BAD

    Aidan wins the ball with the lefty charge taking Iain out. Brendan scores first at 3:01 This one is turning out to be not such a cautious game as the first with neither team having complete possession. Malice are playing 3 out and Brendan scores again at 8:20. Iain puts one in for Malice at 9:04. Aidan scores at 11:00 Brendan at 14:00.
    Final for 2nd game 4-1 BAD

    Malice has 1st possession and first shot on goal with a miss. Good defense from malice but dt is released, he takes it up to the crease and Brendan scores at 2:29. Dave is still released with no result yet, but he scores at 4:15. Brendan goes 1 on 1 with Iain in goal and loses, but promptly takes him out and Brendan scores at 6:55. Aidan scores at 7:54 and 8:41.
    Final for 3rd game 5-0 BAD

    Both teams played progressively better as the games went on. BAD just out-did Malice who just couldn't get proper control of the ball or finish on the many breaks they created.
    BAD were playing complete coverage, often double teaming any member of Malice with possession completely blocking any chance of a clear pass.

    Matt is my mvp, creating several breaks with some unorthodox plays and almost always coming up with the ball when it was near. Too bad he can't pass properly or shoot straight!
