The shoes are Vans, which have a Nitrile Polymer outsole, typically having a International Rubber Hardness Degrees (IRHD) modulus of 35-40. The tyres, which will be a Butyl Compound, will almost certainly have a higher modulus: perhaps 60+
The affect of heat of course is a difficult factor to predict outdide of the lab! But I would have thought it unlikely that his braking technique would not rapidly result in destruction of the outsole, followed swiftly by the insole and then his foot.
However, I would have thought this conjecture will be of little interest to the gent in question, since he is a rad mofo.
The shoes are Vans, which have a Nitrile Polymer outsole, typically having a International Rubber Hardness Degrees (IRHD) modulus of 35-40. The tyres, which will be a Butyl Compound, will almost certainly have a higher modulus: perhaps 60+
The affect of heat of course is a difficult factor to predict outdide of the lab! But I would have thought it unlikely that his braking technique would not rapidly result in destruction of the outsole, followed swiftly by the insole and then his foot.
However, I would have thought this conjecture will be of little interest to the gent in question, since he is a rad mofo.