• #77
Hey 'Angel,
You do realize that unless you are able to show any proof that'd back your claims you come out looking like an idiot?
Not sure if this happens in your universe, but, while here, you should at least try to act like one of us.
• #78
Now then, kids... Play nice...
• #79
No as you 'made ' him up.
Your ignorance is quite astonishing.
youre clearly quite well -read, but why antagonise,?
I agree with some of what youre saying, but you come across as the sort of person who shouts.
confident, articulate arguing dosent need to shout. -
• #80
How to win an argument and convery ideas to others:
Free power is a fact, everyone knows it except for you fucking sheeple, you want fucking proof ? Yeah of course there is proof and plenty of it which you would realise if you got up off your fat lazy arse and looked (do you know the milk industry is owned by Rupert Murdoch ? shocked are you ? well that's not the fucking start of it, most pencil lead is made from Asian school children's CORPSES) but you still want me to do your fucking work for you and prove free power?? -WHY THE FUCK SHOULD I - you fucking lazy stupid cunt I am not searching for you, just look it up on Google, what about Jean Charles de Menezes, they fucking SHOT HIM because he knew about 'Big Pharma' - and then the police covered it up with the help of the mainstream media who are in the fucking pocket of the Biderbergs and the Roschilds, you fucking blind idiots, you know nothing, you are asleep to the truth - see the government lie and deceive - so therefore they are lying about free power so they can keep you all enslaved you stupid fucking naive pricks who think that your house isn't a faraday cage - you want some fucking proof ? take a fucking look on google, wake up people, you know nothing, just wake up, your house is vibrating at the evil frequency of 50Hz, the government designed it like this so that you wouldn't find out about Rumsfeld's connection with aspartame, you fucking blind sheeple idiots cunts, your ignorance is quite astonishing.
• #81
quite,^^ the problem is that everyone has an opinion on the internet, wonderful invention as it is.
"Winged A's " isnt worth a wank though. -
• #82
The truth behind this farce, is this, there is 'free energy' it is possible to over unify.
However, If the layman were to lay his hands upon a device the size of a kick drum, that emitted no pollution, no noise, required no fuel and gave you 30kw of power at will...
The whole of the worlds societal infrastructure would collapse over night, totally.
Ok, let's start there with the heated yet ultimately gentlemanly debate. Show me an example of a device that gives out more energy than you put in. The isn't one, nor (I'd be willing to bet) will there ever be, not because of a government conspiracy, but because that seems to be the way that the universe is put together. My point is that if you start the day off by believing in that kind of thing on faith - and it has to be on faith, because there's no evidence - then you leave yourself open to building up a whole structure of erroneous thought on top of that one false belief.
A Faraday Cage is a room lined with conducting material - just the wires wouldn't do it. It shields the contents from external static or electromagnetic fields.
Whenever one single person seems to achieve scientific results that no-one else can replicate (eg the things that are attributed to Tesla by contemporary enthusiasts) warning bells should sound in the mind of scientifically-minded observers. If an effect is real, it can be replicated. -
• #83
How's that headset working out Wingedangel?
• #84
Whenever one single person seems to achieve scientific results that no-one else can replicate (eg the things that are attributed to Tesla by contemporary enthusiasts) warning bells should sound in the mind of scientifically-minded observers. If an effect is real, it can be replicated.
Thank you.
• #85
This thread needs more Chris Crash. It's slipped from his grasp completely! People are too free to post what they believe!
• #86
Show me an example of a device that gives out more energy than you put in.
How these things go with these people:
**A: **There is plenty of proof for free power you just need to look
**B: **Can you point me towards an example so I can see for myself
**A: **I am not your fucking slave, get up off your arse and Google it for yourself
**B: **I have done, but couldn't find anything credible to support the idea
**A: **Yeah, that's because you are deliberately searching for stupid conspiracy theories and not the genuine information
**B: **Can you then point me toward this genuine information ?
**A: **Why can't you do your own fucking research ?
**B: **Like I say I have tried but have found nothing ?
**A: **You don't want to find anything you just want to mock the idea.
**B: **Well why don't you point me towards the information that lead you to believe the idea is viable
**A: **Whats the point you wouldn't believe it anyway.
**B: **Can I take a look just so I can see what this information is ?
**A: **Why, you wouldn't read it anyway.
**B: **I promise I would.
**A: **Do you even realize that GM foods are designed to induce AUTISM !
**B: **Yes that's great, but could we stick to the free energy thing, can you show me your proof ?
**A: **You fucking work for the government.
. . . . and so on.
• #87
This thread needs more Chris Crash. It's slipped from his grasp completely! People are too free to post what they believe!
Fucken Germans.
• #88
And while I'm here... What right-wingers on both sides of the Atlantic don't seem to grasp is that democratic government is what creates freedom. They talk as if freedom means the absence of government. The opposite is true: the absence of government is feudalistic bullying, all power to the strongest and enslave the weak. We invented government so that we could extend freedom to everybody, not just the wealthy and powerful. And that goes for the free market, too. Free markets and strong democratic government go hand in hand, and capitalism is the enemy of both. Capitalism is just feudalism in a suit - capitalists crave monopolies, unfair advantages and an unfree workforce.
• #89
How's that headset working out Wingedangel?
Fine thanks, it has yet to be used though will replace the one on the mixte.
And all of you that mock.
Please feel free. I don't really mind if you enjoy living under the yoke, as it seems you are all quite comfortable and conditioned to believe just what you are told.
Get on with it.
The initial discussion was based around freedom, you being free to live like sheep, And others free to live as idiots.
I'm sure you are all quite happy, if ignorance is bliss.........baah.
• #90
And while I'm here... What right-wingers on both sides of the Atlantic don't seem to grasp is that democratic government is what creates freedom. They talk as if freedom means the absence of government. The opposite is true: the absence of government is feudalistic bullying, all power to the strongest and enslave the weak. We invented government so that we could extend freedom to everybody, not just the wealthy and powerful. And that goes for the free market, too. Free markets and strong democratic government go hand in hand, and capitalism is the enemy of both. Capitalism is just feudalism in a suit - capitalists crave monopolies, unfair advantages and an unfree workforce.
You actually believe that, don't you?
• #91
Im still waiting on some links? Please.
• #92
Hey 'Angel,
You do realize that unless you are able to show any proof that'd back your claims you come out looking like an idiot?
Not sure if this happens in your universe, but, while here, you should at least try to act like one of us.
What is 'Us', us being the system that is a perfect model of capitalism? the nestle model? the nestle that quite happily poisoned african babies?
Proof...There is plenty of proof to indicate that the goverment have been bought off by business, like I say have any of you ever watched question time?
• #93
I'd also be interested to see some credible links that show a device that gives out more energy than is put in ?
• #94
I'd also be interested to see some credible links that show a device that gives out more energy than is put in ?
Im out. Good luck tynan.
• #95
I'd also be interested to see some credible links that show a device that gives out more energy than is put in ?
I'd show you, but my penis is NSFW.
on a slightly more serious note I used to believe this was possible as a schoolkid.
and then I learnt:Such machines are forbidden by the second law of thermodynamics
and then I became a Biochemist, and learnt that thermodynamics is God.
except it exists.And then i continued my education and learnt that actually my understanding of Thermodynamics was as good as a teddy bears understanding of a sewing machine.
• #96
Yes, I do. Don't get me wrong, I'm all in favour of free markets. But markets are only free because they are protected by active governments - at a sophisticated level we need to protect against copyright infringement, complex fraud and 'passing off', unsafe ingredients in food and medicines etc; at a more basic level, we need to protect against straightforward protection rackets, intimidation of competitors, violence against workforces and so on. Because we want to trade safely, freely and efficiently, we organise our societies around accountable systems of law and government.
Capitalism is a philosophy, not an economic system. A capitalist believes that the fundamental object of all individuals and organisations is to build up as much capital as possible. If that's your objective, then clearly you'd get there quicker if you were able to circumvent some of the inconvenient legal and moral stuff that stops you from acquiring more money faster. See Enron, the 'robber baron' era of US history and maybe the activities of oil companies in Nigeria right now for some examples. -
• #97
Im out. Good luck tynan.
Me too, it's too sunny for all this, I am off shoplifting with my son - I will check back later this evening - I am sure we will all be very surprised at the wealth of solid evidence for such a device.
• #98
Fine thanks, it has yet to be used though will replace the one on the mixte.
And all of you that mock.
Please feel free. I don't really mind if you enjoy living under the yoke, as it seems you are all quite comfortable and conditioned to believe just what you are told.
Get on with it.
The initial discussion was based around freedom, you being free to live like sheep, And others free to live as idiots.
I'm sure you are all quite happy, if ignorance is bliss.........baah.
Excuse me, but I think you're just believing what you've been told. I'll bet you haven't actually seen a free energy machine, you've read about it in a book or on the internet.
• #99
This thread needs Trololo.
• #100
radios in marxist_fixie to sort this thread out
fine, how about Warren Falcon?