The truth behind this farce, is this, there is 'free energy' it is possible to over unify.
However, If the layman were to lay his hands upon a device the size of a kick drum, that emitted no pollution, no noise, required no fuel and gave you 30kw of power at will...
The whole of the worlds societal infrastructure would collapse over night, totally.
Ok, let's start there with the heated yet ultimately gentlemanly debate. Show me an example of a device that gives out more energy than you put in. The isn't one, nor (I'd be willing to bet) will there ever be, not because of a government conspiracy, but because that seems to be the way that the universe is put together. My point is that if you start the day off by believing in that kind of thing on faith - and it has to be on faith, because there's no evidence - then you leave yourself open to building up a whole structure of erroneous thought on top of that one false belief.
A Faraday Cage is a room lined with conducting material - just the wires wouldn't do it. It shields the contents from external static or electromagnetic fields.
Whenever one single person seems to achieve scientific results that no-one else can replicate (eg the things that are attributed to Tesla by contemporary enthusiasts) warning bells should sound in the mind of scientifically-minded observers. If an effect is real, it can be replicated.
Ok, let's start there with the heated yet ultimately gentlemanly debate. Show me an example of a device that gives out more energy than you put in. The isn't one, nor (I'd be willing to bet) will there ever be, not because of a government conspiracy, but because that seems to be the way that the universe is put together. My point is that if you start the day off by believing in that kind of thing on faith - and it has to be on faith, because there's no evidence - then you leave yourself open to building up a whole structure of erroneous thought on top of that one false belief.
A Faraday Cage is a room lined with conducting material - just the wires wouldn't do it. It shields the contents from external static or electromagnetic fields.
Whenever one single person seems to achieve scientific results that no-one else can replicate (eg the things that are attributed to Tesla by contemporary enthusiasts) warning bells should sound in the mind of scientifically-minded observers. If an effect is real, it can be replicated.